Marvel Spider-Man 2 Black Cat

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PC Brazil v1.1.0 Released, Fixes Stutters, Reduces Crashes & Improves CPU Performance

The modding team behind the unofficial PC port for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has released a brand new version of it. Version 1.1.0 finally fixes the awful stuttering issues, reduces crashes, and improves CPU performance. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

Going into more details, this new version patches the Havok Physics Engine so that it no longer creates memory leaks. Thanks to these improvements, the game will no longer stutter. This is a huge improvement. Finally, you can now traverse the city without any stutters.

Version 1.1.0 is also less CPU intensive than before. So, if you have a less powerful CPU, you should now get a better gaming experience. It’s really cool to see what this modding team can do with this unofficial PC port.

And that’s not all. The team has fixed/updated a great number of shaders. It has also fixed the daytime skybox. Thus, the skybox will no longer be represented as a solid color.

Do note that the game STILL has various visual issues and graphical glitches. Yes, you can play it from start to finish. But no, it’s not yet up to what I’d describe as “fully enjoyable”. Still, the difference between the initial PC build and this latest one is night and day. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 plays better than ever now on PC.

For those wondering, the improved Ray Tracing Reflections I mentioned in my previous article are not implemented in this build. There is also no ETA on when the team will add them to the game. So yeah, don’t expect any RT improvements. Right now, the team still recommends disabling them.

Below you can find a video from it, showcasing the Black Cat chase. This chase has Spider-Man chasing Black Cat via portals. And, as you will see, the game plays smoothly. As said, there are still visual issues, so be sure to keep that in mind.

From what I know, this unofficial PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 does not take advantage of DirectStorage. So, the fact that the game runs this good without DS is mighty impressive.

Finally, Sony hasn’t revealed anything official about bringing Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to PC. Still, we should expect it to hit the PC in FY 2025. Or at least that’s what the recent Insomniac leak hinted at.

Stay tuned for more!

Spider Man 2 PC PORT V1.1.0 Brazil | Black Cat Chase