Max Payne 3 PC Steam gets a new bonus for those who’ve pre-ordered it; L.A. Noire is given for FREE

Okay, now this is how you promote your PC game. Back in April, we informed you about the special Steam deal for Max Payne 3. In case you don’t remember, those who pre-ordered it got for free Max Payne 1 and 2, as well as its day-one DLC. Well, it seems that things got even better as those lucky ones will get for free another Rockstar game that is playable right here, right now.
L.A. Noire has just been added to our game list due to Max Payne 3’s pre-order. This is not a Steam mistake, as others users are reporting the very same thing. Therefore, if you have not checked your Steam game list and have already pre-ordered MP3, make sure to do so as L.A. Noire will be available.
In other news, Rockstar is preparing a PC trailer for Max Payne 3 that will be released in the following days.
Enjoy and happy gaming!