Metal Gear Survive will require a constant internet connection and will feature microtransactions

Metal Gear Survive releases next month and it has been revealed that the game will feature microtransactions. As with most modern-day titles, the game will feature a store in which players can purchase virtual currency, and coins will be available to purchase with real money or through standard gameplay.

We don’t know whether Metal Gear Survive whether players will have to grind for hours in order to unlock stuff via standard gameplay. As such, we strongly suggest waiting a bit until you pick up your pitchforks.

In addition, Metal Gear Survive will require a constant Internet connection in order to be played. Again, this is nothing new as a respectable amount of current-gen games have the same requirement, even for their single-player campaigns.

Last but not least, Konami claimed that the game’s single-player campaign will last around 15-20 hours.

Thanks Gamespot!