New Assassin’s Creed Announcement Coming Soon

According to the official Assassin’s Creed FB page, a major announcement from Assassin’s Creed is only days away. Ubisoft suggested to tune in to the game’s official website tomorrow, as they will reveal more details about this upcoming announcement. So, we got an announcement of an announcement for a future announcement. Way to go Ubi, that’s the spirit.
Now we don’t want you to get excited just yet. This new announcement could possibly be something irrelevant to the game’s highly anticipated third part. In other words, remember when a few days ago Atari promised a big announcement? Speculation began and we were expecting something big. Imagine our disappointment when we found out that the announcement was for a Pong game on the IOS devices. So hold your horses everyone for the time being.
Ubisoft has also released a new image that can be viewed below, while Kotaku received a shot from a Best Buy worker, hinting that the game will be set during American Revolution. Does this mean that our new assassin will actually be a native American? Enjoy and stay tuned!