New Community Screenshots for Project CARS and rFactor 2

Slightly Mad Studios have released some new community shots for Project CARS. As usual, the shots show purely in-game footage that has not been made in any special photo mode with no post-processing or filters that aren’t available during the actual gameplay. Special thanks to LEOVGKI, WALKERIE, RODRIGO BORBA, WIZZA, MANGUST, DUDE27, KELNOR34, BEN BUJA, TREFLE, SPIDEY, WAXXFETISH, TERRONIUM-12, TJC, GTWELSH, PLM5, R3DF0X and YOFLOEMA for capturing them. We’ve also included some rFactor 2 shots from BSNismo that have been touched in terms of contrast, bloom and blur on tyres (things that could be easily supported in the final version of the game). Enjoy!
Project CARS:

rFactor 2: