NieR Automata wallpaper

NieR Automata – Texture Pack V0.75 available for download, updates 2B and A2

Modder GPUnity has released a new version of his HD Texture Pack for NieR Automata. According to the modder, version 0.75 comes with some improvements to A2 and 2B, and brings additional improvements/updates to some other textures too.

In other words, this is a smaller release and not a major one. And… well… I can already picture some typing a comment, asking me why we’re sharing such a small update to this texture pack. And the reason is quite simple; because we find this pack quite interesting.

On an unrelated note, I was finally able to finish NieR Automata this week. Believe it or not, I never touched this game after writing our PC Performance Analysis, mainly due to the awful mouse and keyboard controls. And thanks to the incredible NieR Automata Input Overhaul Mod, I was able to experience the game the way it was meant to be played on the PC and complete it.

Those interested can download this latest version of the NieR Automata Texture Pack from here. I’ve also embedded GPUnity’s previous video for V0.73 that shows some of the texture replacements/improvements he made in that version!

NieR:Automata - 2B Remastered! HD Texture Pack Update