NVIDIA Jen-Hsun-Huang

NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang hints at the possibilities of DLSS 4

A lot of people have been wondering about the future of DLSS. What new features will NVIDIA introduce? And we may now have an idea of what we can expect from it. During a Q&A session, NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang shared his thoughts about the future of DLSS. Huang hinted that future versions of DLSS, presumably DLSS 4, will be able to generate textures and objects.

As NVIDIA’s CEO specifically said:

“We already use AI for neural graphics, and we can generate pixels based off of few input pixels (Editor’s Note: that’s DLSS 2). We also generate frame between frames – not interpolation, but generation (Editor’s Note: that’s DLSS 3). In the future, we’ll even generate textures and objects, and the objects can be of lower quality and we can make them look better.”

What’s interesting is that NVIDIA has already showcased one of these two new features. At Siggraph 2023, the green team presented their Neural Texture Compression (NTC) solution. This AI-powered compression reduces texture sizes while keeping their quality high. NVIDIA says this new format is better than the old AVIF and JPEG XL formats.

My guess is that NVIDIA may evolve NTC so that it can improve the quality of textures. This appears to be the next step for DLSS. Then, in DLSS 4 or DLSS 5, they could allow it to improve – or even create – high-quality versions of low-quality objects. Imagine it as a new way to make objects look smooth and round without any rough, polygonal edges. Or at least that’s what I’m getting from Huang’s comments.

Do note that I’ve loosely used the term “DLSS 4“. Since nothing is set in stone yet, we might see these features in DLSS 5 or DLSS 6. Nevertheless, it appears that these are the new features that NVIDIA is currently working on.

NVIDIA will release its next-gen GPUs at the end of the year. As such, it will be interesting to see whether it will debut DLSS 4 alongside them. And if it does, will DLSS 4 require the new RTX50 series GPUs? Or will it be compatible with the older RTX graphics cards?

Stay tuned for more!

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