Avowed feature

Obsidian’s Avowed has been officially delayed until February 18th, 2025

Microsoft has just announced that Obsidian’s RPG, Avowed, has been officially delayed until February 18th, 2025. Although the game did not have an exact release date, it was targeting a Fall 2024 release.

Microsoft claimed that they’ve delayed the game to “give players’ backlogs some breathing room.” And that’s total bullcrap. Avowed looked rough in almost all of its trailers. So, obviously, Obsidian needed more time in order to further polish it.

Now I get it. As a publisher, you can’t say “The game is completely broken in its current state“. But that’s exactly what everyone thinks about it. I mean, really now? Do you really think that MS delayed the game just because it cares about all the other titles that gamers can enjoy? There there, I’ll let Arnold do the talking.

Come on, don't bullshit me

But hey, at least they did delay it. So, hopefully, we won’t get another Redfall on our hands.

You shouldn’t also expect major changes to the game’s aesthetics. The game was delayed so that Obsidian could polish it a bit more. They won’t be completely overhauling its art style or gameplay mechanics.

Avowed will be a fully open-world game. According to its devs, its map will be “denser” and “more contrasted” at the same time than the one for Skyrim. Moreover, the game will have real-time weather and a very advanced character creation tool. Additionally, it will have a big focus on world reactivity.

Hilariously, the devs claimed the Avowed will have advanced lighting, as well as next-gen AI systems and physics. To be honest, though, I haven’t seen any next-gen AI system in its trailers. So yeah, that’s probably PR bullcrap to sell the game.

What is at least worth mentioning is that the PC version will support mods. Moreover, we know that the game will support both first-person and third-person viewpoints.

Stay tuned for more!