Open beta phase launched for Battle Splash 2.0, team-based third-person shooter created by a single person

Mai Nguyen Binh Hung has informed us about the launch of the open beta phase for Trianga’s Project: Battle Splash 2.0. Battle Splash 2.0 is a competitive, team-based third-person shooter inspired from fast-paced arena shooters and modern class based shooters.

In Battle Splash 2.0, players can use water as their main mechanic/weapon in order to blast away their opponents in various colorful worlds.

Battle Splash 2.0 Open Beta will feature a brand new location called Paper World, where everything is made of paper. Players can also try out two brand new Game Modes aside from the traditional Team Free for All mode:

  • Team Tactics Mode: Round-based game mode with no instant respawn that will push player’s skill to the limit while testing their teamwork.
  • Team SBot Guidance: Round-based game mode featuring a big robot called SBot. Players have to disable it by attacking the robot, then capture it and let it travel to their base.

It’s also worth noting that the game will fully support mods once it leaves Early Access.

Those interested can download the game’s open beta build from Steam.

Have fun!

Battle Splash Cinematic Trailer!