Shinra Technologies Announced – New Cloud Gaming Service Announced By Square Enix

During TGS 2014, Square Enix revealed a new cloud gaming service called Shinra Technologies. Yes yes, this cloud gaming service is named after the Shinra company from Final Fantasy VII. FFVII Remake with the power of the cloud confirmed (no, not really).

Yoichi Wada, former president of Square Enix, will be leading this new gaming service, and here is what he had to say about it:

“We needed a technical breakthrough to make this happen [empower new kinds of games]. If we simply bring traditional games to the cloud, you will never get a game experience that surpasses current games. We want developers to create entirely new games with revolutionary game experiences.”

Shinra Technologies will enter its beta phase in early 2015.

Kudos to our reader ‘Jon Jun’ for spotting it and Polygon for reporting it!