Skull & Bones -4

Skull and Bones Open Beta begins this February

Ubisoft has announced that the Open Beta phase for Skull and Bones will begin this February. From February 8th to February 11th, PC gamers will be able to play alongside their console friends. Yes, the Open Beta will have full cross-play support.

In the Open Beta phase, players will be able to explore the Red Isle hub and the coast of Africa and East Indies regions. Moreover, your pirate Infamy will be capped at level 6. Your progression will also carry over to the full game should you choose to purchase it.

Ubisoft has also shared a new image for the game’s PC requirements. From what we can see, these PC specs are identical to those the team shared back in August 2022.

skull and bones final pc requirements

The only change we can spot is about its Ray Tracing. Instead of Ray-Traced Global Illumination, the new PC specs only mention Ray Tracing. Now I don’t know whether or not Ubisoft has removed RTGI from the game in favour of RT reflections. Nevertheless, that’s the only difference between the older and the newer PC requirements.

Ubisoft has also shared a new trailer for Skull and Bones that you can find below. This trailer details the Year 1 content that players can expect to get.

Finally, the game will be released on February 16th.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Skull and Bones: Endgame & Year 1 Roadmap Trailer