Skyrim Mods Spotlight – Sounds of Skyrim – Civilization Released

Back in February, we informed you about Sounds of Skyrim. Great news then if you were a fan of this project as modder ‘Cliffworms’ has released the Civilization Pack of it. Sounds of Skyrim is an audio project split in four parts that, in the end, will add around 460+ sound effects to the game world. It affects almost every cell and region in the game. My main goal is to not have one environment that is soundless to enhance immersion. The sounds are affected by the time of day. So when walking in the city streets during the day, you’ll hear the echo of people shouting in the distance, doors opening and closing, workers sawing things. While at night, cats fight for territory, dogs bark, drunkards yell.
Civilization focuses on adding 216 new sound effects to cities, villages, farms and remote locations where civilization is present. In cities, you can hear the sound of a hammer being used by a villager repairing something, children playing, dogs barking or cats fighting. As you get closer to a tavern doorstep, the sounds of patron chatting from behind the door are played. When you get in, some patron may laugh out loud, yell or break something.
On farms or near them, you can hear the sounds of their animals, if they have any. Most of those sound effects can be heard inside buildings too, linking the interior cells with the exterior. If I take the farm example, you may hear the hen’s “cock-a-doodle-do” if you sit close to the window. If it’s raining, you’ll hear the rain hitting the windows; if there’s a snowstorm, you’ll hear the cold wind whistling by the windows.
Those interested can download it from here. You can also get the ‘Dungeons’ part from here and the ‘Wilds’ part from here.