Marvel's Avengers new feature

Square Enix will now remove the controversial gameplay-related MTX from Marvel’s Avengers

Last month, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have added some gameplay-related microtransactions to Marvel’s Avengers. Needless to say that this frustrated a lot of fans. After all, Crystal Dynamics had previously promised that it would never do such a thing in this particular game. And today, almost a month after their inclusion, Square Enix revealed that it will be removing both Hero’s Catalysts and Fragment Extractors.

Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics claimed that Hero’s Catalysts and Fragment Extractors will no longer be available for purchase. However, they will continue to be earnable rewards, and those owning them can still use them.

The companies concluded that their removal is a step to rebuild their confidence with their fans. Whether this is “too little too late” though remains to be seen.

Marvel's Avengers MTX removal

Given what has happened with this game, we can assume that the publisher will not mess things up with Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

Stay tuned for more!