Star Wars: KOTOR Collection (1 and 2) coming to the PC on July 14th

Good news for all Star Wars fans as a KOTOR Collection is on its way to the PC. According to Amazon, the bundle will be released on July 14th and will be priced at 20 bucks. Gamestop has also added this bundle. Our readers should had already expected this bundle though, as we’ve informed you about it back in May.
Little is known about the Collection, though we can safely say that it won’t include any Enhanced Edition of KOTOR 1 or 2. Our guess is that both of them will be similar in every way to their original versions. The only difference will be in their compatibility mode, as we expect both of them to be fully playable on modern-day PC configurations and all of Microsoft’s operation systems.
The first KOTOR was developed by BioWare and was released on November 19th, 2003, while the second part was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and was released on February 8th, 2005.