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Steam has broken its record for most concurrently online users

According to SteamDB, Steam has broken its record for most concurrently online users. The last record was set on January 14th back in 2018. That record was 18.537.490 million users while the new record currently is 18.801.944 million users online.

While the number of online players is higher, the number of users in-game is lower. Back in January of 2018, more than seven million users were in-game. At the time of the new record only 5.956.968 users were playing.

The top games on Steam together account for around 2.5 million users. Starting from the top these game are Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, Grand Theft Auto V and Monster Hunter: World.

Last year Steam hit the one billion account mark. Now with the announcement of Half-Life: Alyx and with all the Half-life games being free-to-play, I guess the numbers will increase even higher.

Thanks PCGamesN.