The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim Vibrant ENB Released

Modders KyokushinOyama, Staind716 and Doom916 have released their custom ENB mod for Bethesda’s RPG, Skyrim. Vibrant ENB emphasis is on colors and contrasts, lighting and shadows, reflections and effects. In addition, the modding team has released a video that can be viewed below and showcases how Skyrim can look when this ENBseries mod is used with various Texture Packs.
Vibrant ENB features Genuine SSAO with Simple or Complex Indirect Lighting, High detailled Shadows and Sunrays effects, DOF based on last Matso’s 4.0.0 code with anamorphic lens Flare, Genuine Bloom with last Matso’s Tinting and Anamorphic Lens Flare functions, SMAA, Sub Morphological Pixel Anti Aliasing, courtesy of Andrej Dudenhefner, Additional slight grain effect, Enhanced Shaders, used with permission of Tapioks, HD6’s code based color corrections, Color correction toggling functions and enhancements, used with permission of Midhras, 4 performance optional files, as well as Optional enbeffect.fx with Cinematic black bars that is courtesy of Matso.
Those interested can download this mod from here.
The mods that are being used in the following video are:
Vibrant ENBĀ 
Better Villages
Beautiful Whiterun
Skyrim HD – 2K Textures
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Skyrim ENB Presets - TES V - Skyrim Vibrant ENB