The Secret World – Polaris Revealed

EA and Funcom revealed today the artwork and the story behind the location known as The Polaris, the dungeon that was revealed inĀ Funcom’s recent demo at the EA Summer Showcase event.
The Polaris, a cargo ship, broken loose from the outermost ring of derelicts and carried across the sea north and west by the roiling, creeping fog bank. In its hold, an ancient lord of the creatures, long since outgrown its human form, exercised its powers to command flesh and fog alike.
What no one knows, however, is that a greater threat has traveled in the wake of the ship. An immense beast, born from the material that re-made the first Draug, and formed in an echo of the terrible thing dreaming beneath the sea.
The Secret World is currently slated for a 2012 release on the PC.