The Witcher 3 Geralt screenshot

The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition is a mod that overhauls lots of game mechanics, Version 4.47 available for download

Back in May 2018, we informed you about a complete and comprehensive rework of The Witcher 3 that aims to offer a much higher quality experience than the original game ever could. Created by the dedicated W3EE Mod team, this mod has been further enhanced this past year and a new version of it was released yesterday.

The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition is a complete overhaul of most of the game’s mechanics and systems, promising to offer great depth and stimulating gameplay. The mod was designed with realism in mind, but in keeping with the spirit of actually having fun in a game, thus keeping tediousness to a minimum while simultaneously trying to offer enticing and somewhat realistic gameplay to the player.

As the W3EE Mod Team notes:

“The mod was designed with realism in mind, but in keeping with the spirit of actually having fun in a game, thus keeping tediousness to a minimum while simultaneously trying to offer enticing and somewhat realistic gameplay to the player. Among the mechanical and gameplay changes, it also offers a myriad of bug fixes that the vanilla game sorely needed and a vast options menu where most things can be tweaked to your own liking.”

Now while the latest version does not bring anything ground-breaking to the table, we believe it’s the perfect moment to remind you of this mod. Since version 3.30 (which was the last version we featured), the team has fixed a lot of bugs and visual glitches, re-balanced and re-tweaked some mechanics, buffed some bosses and added some new mechanics (like target distance weight to targeting options).

Those interested can download the mod from here.

Have fun!