Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege gets additional client-sided anti-cheating system

Ubisoft has announced that it has implemented an additional anti-cheating system for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege. As the French company noted, BattlEye will complement FairFight, which is its current server-sided anti-cheating engine.

BattlEye is said to function as a shield around the game.

R6 Technical Architect explained:

“You can picture it operating like anti-virus, scanning your memory to detect known cheat signatures.”

BattlEye is still in beta phase and during this beta period, Ubisoft will be running tests on a large scale with all PC players, and so for several weeks.

“As such, we won’t issue any bans for the moment (except to the bans already issued by FairFight). When in full effect, BattlEye will kick any cheating player from accessing the game. Those kicked from the game by BattlEye will get a specific notification.”

You can find more details about BattlEye here.

Oh, and Rainbow Six: Siege is free-to-play from tomorrow 1PM EDT until 1PM EDT on August 1st