Unity showcases amazing tech videos for Unity Engine, FPS Sample available for download

Unity has shared some new tech videos, showcasing some of the visual improvements that are coming to the Unity Engine. The first, and perhaps most spectacular, tech video shows a sci-fi city that was built with Unity 2018.3.

This tech demo feature 4.5 million mesh renderers, 200K unique objects per building, 100K individual audio sources and 5K dynamic vehicles. What’s really interesting here is that Unity will release this demo to the public with full source and assets sometime in 2019.

Create massive game worlds with Unity's Entity Component System (ECS)

The second and third tech videos showcase some of the visual effects, as well as a highly detailed spaceship. It’s really spectacular what Unity Engine can achieve when developers are properly taking advantage of it.

Unity Visual Effect Graph - Spaceship demo

Unity Visual Effect Graph Showcase

The last tech demo shows off the first sample game project, the FPS Sample. With this project Unity wants to show you not just what you can do in Unity, but how you can do it.

“In this project, you can pick everything apart, tweak and experiment, and learn how to use the new features, including how to work with layered materials, post-processing, and light modes for the HD Render Pipeline (HDRP).”

Introducing the FPS Sample game project for Unity

The FPS Sample tech demo is currently available for download from here!