Unreal Engine 4 – Ten fan tech demos available for download (Pokemon, Zelda, Donkey Kong 64 & more)

CryZENx has hit 100K subscribers on YouTube and decided to release ten Unreal Engine 4 fan tech demos. These demos include the latest version of his Zelda Ocarina Of Time project, the Kite demo Landscape with Luigi , Kirby, Son Goku and other characters, as well as Mario Kart, Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Stadium Luigi’s Mansion and Super Mario Sunshine being recreated in Unreal Engine 4.

We are almost certain that a lot of PC users will find these demos interesting, so go ahead and download them from the following links.

For what it’s worth, Nintendo has not issued any DMCA notice as of yet. CryZENx has been releasing his stuff for a while without any issues, so we are pretty sure that these demos won’t be taken down.

Have fun everyone!

Zelda Ocarina Of Time – Latest Version of my Project
Zelda Majoras Mask Cutcene
Kite demo Landscape [ Luigi , Kirby, Son goku and much more ]

Mario Kart
Donkey kong 64
Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Garden
Luigis Mansion
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Sun & Moon animations test
Super Mario Sunshine

[Unreal Engine 4] 100.000 Subspecial

Unreal Engine 4 - Zelda Ocarina Of Time - 1 Year Development