Relic’s James McDermott believes that some people want PC to go away

It’s pretty well known that piracy is PC gaming’s biggest enemy – well, that is if we don’t count Microsoft but still. A lot of developers and publishers have suffered from it and let’s not count the various leaks that we’ve seen these past days. As a result of that, some developers who were mainly … Continue reading Relic’s James McDermott believes that some people want PC to go away

Guardians: the Last Day of the Citadel Is Now Available

Drakkar Dev announced that Guardians: the Last Day of the Citadel has just been released worldwide for the iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. According to the press release, the core gameplay resembles the classical single player side-scrolling genre, but it use significant variations. All aspects of the game are actually designed to have a very … Continue reading Guardians: the Last Day of the Citadel Is Now Available

Hi-Rez Studios explains their Loadout System – Loadouts can be acquired through gameplay

A lot of PC gamers whined when Hi-Rez Studios revealed that Tribes Ascend’s Loadouts can be purchased and in an attempt to calm them down, the company released an interesting FAQ on their forums. After reading, we have to say that there is really no reason to worry guys, as Loadouts can also be acquired through gameplay. … Continue reading Hi-Rez Studios explains their Loadout System – Loadouts can be acquired through gameplay

Randy Pitchford admits that they shouldn’t have announced Aliens: Colonial Marines so early

During his latest interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine, Randy Pitchford admitted that both Gearbox and SEGA should have just shut the hell up about Aliens: Colonial Marines. Randy has also admitted that it was a grave mistake to announce the game so early. That announcement was basically a result of Gearbox’s excitement, as they hadn’t even written the first … Continue reading Randy Pitchford admits that they shouldn’t have announced Aliens: Colonial Marines so early