Randy Pitchford admits that they shouldn’t have announced Aliens: Colonial Marines so early

During his latest interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine, Randy Pitchford admitted that both Gearbox and SEGA should have just shut the hell up about Aliens: Colonial Marines. Randy has also admitted that it was a grave mistake to announce the game so early. That announcement was basically a result of Gearbox’s excitement, as they hadn’t even written the first … Continue reading Randy Pitchford admits that they shouldn’t have announced Aliens: Colonial Marines so early

Age of Conan: Unchained Is Now Available

Good news for Conan fans as Funcom has just launched the free-to-play version of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. Age of Conan: Unchained replaces the existing version of the game, and players everywhere will now be able to freely explore the world of Hyboria. Those interested can register at the game’s Official Website and play … Continue reading Age of Conan: Unchained Is Now Available

Civilization V – New PC Update Released

Firaxis Games released today a new PC update for their latest turn-based strategy game, Civilization V. This update improves the enemy AI and rebalances the game to make higher difficulty levels more challenging. Furthermore, this update included improvements to the game’s multiplayer mode, as well as to the game’s UI and Diplomacy. We should note that … Continue reading Civilization V – New PC Update Released

Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Trailer Breakdown – What was real and what was not

Since a lot of gamers are mentioning these past days the fantastic 2001 trailer of Duke Nukem Forever, we thought that we should let you know what was real and what was not in that particular trailer. According to Charlie Wiederhold who worked at 3D Realms that time, some of the scenes from the trailer were … Continue reading Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Trailer Breakdown – What was real and what was not