Batman: Arkham Origins – 40 Minutes Of New Gameplay Footage

Batman Arkham Origins v3

Batman: Arkham Origins was showcased at Nvidia’s event yesterday and YouTube’s member ‘MKIceVsFire’ has managed to capture 40 minutes of new gameplay footage. Batman: Arkham Origins is planned for an October 25th release and the PC version will support some exclusive features such as GPU PhysX effects, TXAA, DX11 and tessellation. Enjoy! Continue reading Batman: Arkham Origins – 40 Minutes Of New Gameplay Footage

Unreal Engine 4 Will Natively Support PhysX 3.0, Launch Next-Gen Titles Will Support It

Unreal Engine 4 v4

Great news for all gamers as Unreal Engine 4 will natively support the latest version of the PhysX SDK, PhysX 3.0. That applies only to the PC build of Unreal Engine 4. As Nvidia’s Andrew told us, UE4 PC has native PhysX 3.0 middleware. Andrew also claimed that next-gen consoles – that will be obviously coming to PC too – PC titles will support PhysX 3.0 (Editor’s note: Andrew contacted us and clarified things. He was not referring to console titles but to next-gen PC games such as The Witcher 3. Apologies for that). PhysX 3.0 features better multi-threaded capabilities, something that will benefit both Nvidia and AMD users. Continue reading Unreal Engine 4 Will Natively Support PhysX 3.0, Launch Next-Gen Titles Will Support It

Nvidia – Next-Gen Visuals Powered By Global Illumination & Flame Effects Rivaling Those Of Deep Down

Nvidia GI

We’ve been constantly asking developers in our past interviews whether their games were supporting Global Illumination. You see, we strongly believe that GI – as well as Ray Tracing or Path Tracing – are the future of PC (and next-gen consoles) graphics. And thankfully, Nvidia has presented some new GI techniques during its Montreal event earlier today. Not only that, but the company has also unveiled some new Flame effects that put Deep Down’s flame effects to shame. Instead of presenting 2D flames with lots of particles, Nvidia implemented some stunning volumetric flame effects that can interact with objects and the environment. You can find videos from the aforementioned techniques below, so go ahead and take a look at the future of gaming graphics! Continue reading Nvidia – Next-Gen Visuals Powered By Global Illumination & Flame Effects Rivaling Those Of Deep Down

Nvidia Unveils Next-Generation Physics – FLEX Unified GPU PhysX Coming Next Year

PhysX water

Nvidia has unveiled a new technology for its PhysX SDK called FLEX: Unified GPU PhysX. According to the team, this is a unified solver that works wonderfully with multi-GPU systems. FLEX: Unified GPU PhysX supports two-way coupling effects, shared collision detection and parallelism at all stages. This practically means that there can be more complex physx calculations without major performance hits – something that was quite common on the previous builds of PhysX. Continue reading Nvidia Unveils Next-Generation Physics – FLEX Unified GPU PhysX Coming Next Year

Project CARS will officially support DX11 and Nvidia’s PhysX + Turbulence

Project CARS v5

During Nvidia’s Montreal event – which is underway as we speak – the green team announced that Project CARS will support DX11 (okay, we already knew that), as well as Nvidia’s PhysX particles and Turbulence effects. Although the green team did not reveal any additional details about it, it was well known that Slightly Mad Studios was looking for ways to further enhance its racer’s tech. Well, now we know some of the additional features that will be featured in it. Continue reading Project CARS will officially support DX11 and Nvidia’s PhysX + Turbulence

Call of Duty: Ghosts – Collector’s Editions Revealed – Available For Pre-Order

Call of Duty Ghosts

Activision revealed today Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Collector’s Editions, which are available to pre-order now. As the press release reads, there will be two Collector’s Editions: the Hardened Edition and the Prestige Edition. Continue reading Call of Duty: Ghosts – Collector’s Editions Revealed – Available For Pre-Order

Thief Will No Longer Support An XP System

Thief 4

And it is gone. One of the features that frustrated a lot of Thief fans is no longer available in the upcoming reboot of this classic title. As it was revealed on EIDOS Montreal’s latest Q&A, Thief will no longer support an XP system due to the backlash it received. That’s the spirit EIDOS Montreal. An XP system was never necessary in games like Thief, so kudos for listening your fan base. Continue reading Thief Will No Longer Support An XP System

Space Rangers HD: A War Apart Is Now Available

Space Rangers HD A War Apart

1C Company announced that Space Rangers HD: A War Apart is available today digitally. Retail versions will be released later and announced through local distributors. The game has been released in the standard edition , for a suggested price of €19.99. Space Rangers HD: A War Apart remasters and enhances the world of the cult Space Rangers 2. Continue reading Space Rangers HD: A War Apart Is Now Available

DSOGaming – ARMED SEVEN – First 10 Minutes Walkthrough


Nyu Media was kind enough to provide us with a review code for ARMED SEVEN – a new side-scrolling mecha-action title – and I have to say that I f’ing loved it. ARMED SEVEN is a retro side scroller with lots of enemies on screen. It has lovely 2D visuals, lots of explosions and a nice arsenal. Continue reading DSOGaming – ARMED SEVEN – First 10 Minutes Walkthrough

DICE Releases Battlefield 4 Open Beta Feedback Changelog

Battlefield 4 v2

Battlefield 4’s open beta phase is over and DICE felt the need to thank all those who participated in it. In addition, the team revealed the changelog for this open beta test that can be viewed below. Regarding performance, DICE claimed that it is using ‘the information we received to optimize the performance for the launch of the game.’ Moreover, the final build should run better as there was a debugger running behind the game’s open beta client. Hit ‘continue reading’ to view the entire changelog. Continue reading DICE Releases Battlefield 4 Open Beta Feedback Changelog