Take On Helicopters Community Preview Available Now

Bohemia released today the Community Preview for their latest helicopter game, Take On Helicopters. This Community Preview gives owners of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead the chance to experience an early preview build of Take On Helicopters. According to Bohemia, there will be regular updates. Continue reading Take On Helicopters Community Preview Available Now

F1 2011 – Developer Diary with first ever gameplay footage

Codemasters released the first developer diary for their 2011 version of F1. This developer diary features work-in-progress gameplay footage from the game and the development team explain how F1 2011 will be a far more complete package this time around. Some of the most important features are: co-operative championship mode, 16 players online, split-screen mode and KERS and DRS support. F1 2011 will be released on X360, PS3 and PC on September 23rd. Continue reading F1 2011 – Developer Diary with first ever gameplay footage

Saints Row: The Third – 7 minutes of gameplay footage

Volition released today a 7 minute video of gameplay footage for their much anticipated third person sandbox game. Saints Row: The Third promises to be the most ridiculous and most over the top experience of gaming. This video showcases the game’s city, Steelport, as well as its brand new, open world gameplay. And we have to tell you that it looks bloody amazing. Saints Row: The Third is slated for a Q4 2011 release on PC, X360 and PS3. Continue reading Saints Row: The Third – 7 minutes of gameplay footage

Bioshock Infinite – Dev Diary showcases Tears: Windows Into Other Worlds

2K Games released a new developer diary for Bioshock Infinite. As Ken Levine describes, Elizabeth is not a scientist but she has the ability to interact with a kind of science that has been done in this period and the kind of science that has been done by Einstein and others. Every citizen can see the tears of Columbia but Elizabeth can interact with them. As a result of that, she can pull objects into your world or materialise any one of a number of different tears. She can even revive a dead horse. Now that’s cool. Check out this new trailer after the jump. Continue reading Bioshock Infinite – Dev Diary showcases Tears: Windows Into Other Worlds

Guardians: The Last Day Of The Citadel – First Screenshots + Gameplay Trailer

Drakkar Dev has just released the first screenshots and gameplay trailer of their latest game, Guardians: The Last Day Of The Citadel. Guardians: The Last Day Of The Citadel is scheduled for release this Summer on iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone and looks quite hot for a mobile/portable game. Continue reading Guardians: The Last Day Of The Citadel – First Screenshots + Gameplay Trailer

Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Announced + First Screenshots

Semaphore announced the development of its flagship project. Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta is a third person action adventure video game that is set in modern day Middle East. The game is utilizing the Unity platform, is scheduled for release on all major platforms and marks the first time ever that a Saudi Arabian development house targets Sony’s PS3. Continue reading Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Announced + First Screenshots