Asobo has just released a new major update for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 which packs over 800 fixes, tweaks and changes. So, let’s take a closer look at it.
Update brings a number of performance and stability fixes. For instance, it fixes a crash that could occur when releasing a lever interaction. It also fixes a crash which could occur when creating a flight plan in certain airports.
Moreover, this patch reduces memory usage for aircraft gauge textures generated by WASM. It also reduces latency with HTTP requests, and reduces the stutter of the game when the panel camera is opened. Plus, it optimizes boot time.
Patch also comes with a huge number of fixes for a variety of planes. I won’t be listing all of them here, but you can find all of them below.
This latest update will fix a lot of general bugs too. For example, it fixes drone camera speed being FPS dependent when it shouldn’t be. It also fixes input when running as avatar, and it fixes long boot times when client time does not match server time.
The game should also look a bit better now. Thanks to this update, there are numerous LOD improvements to planes and airports. The game will now have less noise when using DLSS, and there should be fewer pop-ins of objects. Patch also improves normal textures from MSFS (2020) packages, making them look less flat. Plus, it fixes grey haze at night in very dark environments.
Like always, Steam and Microsoft Store will download this update the next time you launch their clients. Below you can also find its complete changelog. Just so you know, this is a pretty big changelog. So, take a deep breath and have a look at it.
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Patch 1.27.0 Release Notes
Stability & Performance
- Fixed a crash in audio system occurring sometimes when closing the sim
- Fixed a crash in the FX system
- Fixed a crash that could occur when releasing a lever interaction
- Fixed a crash at the end of scientific research missions
- Reduced memory usage for aircraft gauge textures generated by WASM (reduces amount of out-of-memory crashes on Xbox with WASM-enabled aircraft)
- Fixed a crash which could occur when creating a flight plan in certain airports
- Reduced latency with HTTP requests
- Fixed a potential crash when using the EFB
- Fixed a crash when going to the hardware settings of Tobii Eye Tracker device
- Added a popup to propose launching the sim in Safe Mode in case the title crashed during the previous launch
- Packages from the Community folder, Marketplace, and from MSFS (2020) carry over process are disabled in Safe Mode to allow the sim to boot
- The disabled packages can then be re-enabled manually in My Library
- Fixed a crash on machines with more than 32 logical cores
- Fixed a crash on Xbox in photo mode
- Fixed various other crashes
- Limited the number of passengers inside the plane on Low Settings to limit out-of-memory issues on Xbox Series S
- Added an integrity check on StreamedPackages folder to detect when files are corrupted.
- Changed the CoherentGT frame distribution system and views refresh rate to better match MSFS (2020) behavior
- Reduced the stutter of the game when the panel camera is opened
- Optimized boot time
- Fixed low power mode activating when watching the credits screen
General Bug Fixes
- Fixed virtual keyboard menu opening twice when backing out of group chat textbox on Xbox
- Fixed windshield effects (backwards compatibility)
- Fixed a camera bug when using the EFB checklist “look at” buttons while being in the menu
- Fixed multiple fade outs when going in/out of aircraft with other players around
- Fixed grey haze at night in very dark environments
- Improved normal textures from MSFS (2020) packages, making them look less flat
- Fixed loading of DDS files used in legacy effects
- Fixed some flow locks when missions restart
- Fixed debug text being displayed on controls screen on first boot
- Fixed an issue where some gamepad icons were present in the photo mode even when using a keyboard
- No modular aircraft (or common part of a modular aircraft) can now have preflight pins
- Fixed generic version of standalone WASM modules trying to be read creating “standalone_generic.wasm failed to access memory” error message
- Props, turbines, and rotors now move on first-party multiplayer aircraft
- Fixed toolbar not being usable in cursor mode while in external view
- Fixed NVIDIA DLSS anti-aliasing noise
- Improved download throttling when a bandwidth limit is set
- Reduced objects popping
- Fixed PartInfo CustomSimvars (Z:) and LocalVars (L:1)
- Fixed mismatched Xbox and PC assistance XML causing G-Effect assist to be off on console
- Fixed missions not showing properly in “Custom Content”
- Fixed Custom Content list not spawning in the right place
- Fixed Custom Content list text displaying on top of scroll mask
- Fixed numbers not displaying correctly with some system formats
- Fixed the scrollbar appearing for a frame when it was not needed before the size of the content was received
- Changed initial trim in Free Flight for MSFS (2020) aircraft – now set back to neutral as was the case in MSFS (2020)
- Fixed integers division in RPN expressions
- Fixed look around step when starting some mission with the mouse
- Added new global var (P:IS CAMERA LOCKED, Bool) to know if the current camera is locked
- Fixed flow being stuck when entering options, market or settings from help page
- Fixed localization bugs
- Fixed intensity of runway lights
- Fixed gliders spawning as passive aircraft
- Fixed long boot times when client time does not match server time
- Fixed Morse sounds being too loud
- Fixed input when running as avatar
- Fixed most detected buildings spawning on parking spots
- Fixed drone camera speed being FPS dependent when it shouldn’t be
Backwards Compatibility Bug Fixes
- Fixed Wwise 2019 modulators back-compatibility issue
- The content of the “html_ui” folder is no longer encrypted
- Fixed handling of SimObjects with wrong ATC parking codes (longer than 4 characters)
- Fixed node attachment issue when changing LOD on a model attachment
- Fixed scenery VFX objects not spawning their effect
- Fixed color and text issues on the Cessna 172 flightseeing adaptive 02 livery
- Added Cessna 172 flightseeing adaptive liveries 2,9,10
- Fixed LOD issues on some CubCrafters Xcub liveries
- Passive aircraft being either in the ground or above it fixed with precise tweaking done on 75% of the passive fleet (25% of passive small aircraft remain to be fixed)
- Fixed passive aircraft pink textures and misrepresentation of model
- Passive aircraft improvements on Boeing house liveries
- Fixed audio clipping distance being too short on multiplayer aircraft
- Fixed wing runner triggered when doing preflight check-up
- Fixed interior windshield fully reflecting exterior for some planes
- Fixed logos and stickers on Aerial App and Commercial Flight liveries + Palettes update
- Modified the naming convention of the whole “Asobo” fleet to be coherent with variations and liveries across the whole fleet.
- Adding a suffix “Adaptive” for liveries that can have different colors depending on specific countries / continents / regions.
- The Cessna 208B scientific research variation and livery now appears in the aircraft selector
- Regenerating all the thumbnails for liveries recently added on the Boeing 737 / Cessna 172 / Cessna 208B / De Havilland Canada CL-415 / Diamond DA62 / Airbus Helicopters H125 / CubCrafters Xcub
- Improved zoom level on the thumbnails to be coherent between variations and liveries
- Fixed Quick Trim for helicopters without autopilot
Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatross
- Fixed – Unable to change nav mode of GNS 530 unit.
- Fixed – Difficult to tune COM / NAV radio–digits don’t increase / decrease sequentially.
Air Tractor AT-802
- Added missing tooltips
- Fixed various issues in checklist
Airbus Helicopters H125
- Added Flight Seeing 15 Adaptive
- Major cleaning pass on every livery
- Fixed wrong spelling on placard
- Fixed the name of the Rescue Hoist variation in H125 configuration menu
- Fixed missing pins on skids and interaction volumes for covers
- Fixed Rotor brake lever not interactable with mouse
Airship Industries Skyship 600
- Fixed auto start procedure not always fully autonomous
- Added interaction to get out of the cockpit on the cockpit door
Aviat Pitts Special S1S
- Fixed – tailwheel logic in aircraft.cfg
- Fixed – Engine exhaust does not emit FX when engine starts up or runs while in the Simulator
- Fixed – Multiple items have tooltips placed away from the item
- Fixed – Missing tooltip on the Alt-Air lever
- Fixed – COM Frequency Swap button is inoperable when used within the cockpit (Garmin 225).
Aviat Pitts Special S2S
- Fixed – The starter switch does not highlight when using the visual helper within the Checklist
- Fixed – Prop RPM control non-functional
- Fixed – Localization is not fully implemented for the Pitts S2S
- Fixed – Aircraft starts in the air with no fuel
- Fixed – Statistics are not listed for the non-default aircraft variants within the Configure menu
Beechcraft C90 GTX King Air
- Fixed – target specialization edition in aircraft.cfg (as indicated)
- LOD improvements
- Fixed – aircraft’s engine has no heat blur effect
- Fixed – autopilot doesn’t capture altitude in FLC mode but does in VS mode
- Fixed – chocks invisible at medium distance (LOD)
- Fixed some issues with Russian [RU-RU] localization
- Fixed several checklist items being unlocalized in Iberian Spanish and LATAM Spanish
- Fixed – no rain effect on front window when using Cockpit Camera.
- Fixed – electrical system improvement for cabin and cockpit lights and turn off in distant LODs
- Pitot annunciator logic improvement
- Fixed – cngine and passenger door operation
- Engine door now closes when walking away
- Fixed – oil stick not animated
- Correction of LODs of medical assets
- New thumbnails
- Correct behavior of static dischargers
- Improved light effects
- Polarized windows now working
- Improvement of emissive
Beechcraft King Air 350i
- Fixed – Checklist out of order or PFD needs engine information when operating without avionics master on.
- Fixed – Cannot load or activate any procedures into flight plan.
- Fixed – Voltage test panel appears inoperative.
- Fixed – Forward storage compartment doors come off revealing forward storage compartment doors.
Boeing 737 MAX 8
- Added new official liveries (S7 Airlines, Qatar Airways, Alaska Airlines, Korean Air, AeroMexico)
- Fixed a few bugs on existing liveries
- Various improvements of the base plane textures
- Fixed APU GEN indicator light when passing engine generator on BUS
- Fixed APU warning sometimes incorrectly showing up when starting APU
- Fixed ground service position around the plane
- Fixed wrong name into the configurator for the Asobo Static liveries
- Fixed issue with tire animation
- Fixed lod issue with the passenger cabin
- Fixed issue on the Asobo Freelance livery
- Improvement of the normal map of the fuselage
- Improvement of the tire texture
- Fixed various highlight issues on exterior parts
- Fixed FA legs from the runway being skipped in departures.
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flight plan with some SIDs.
Boeing 747-400 Global Supertanker
- Added APU heat blur
- Added APU knob emissive
- Added APU switches to the Before Starting Engines checklist
- Added EFB to the cockpit
- Added EFB takeoff and landing performance tables
- Fixed studio name in aircraft selection title
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flight plan with some SIDs
- Fixed pilot-defined waypoints failing to insert and not calculating correct flight path
- Fixed flight paths at the connection between STAR and approach transition
- Fixed merging of approach transition and final approach when the transition joins the FAF
- Fixed the bank limit selector and made it default to the AUTO position
- Improved altitude select knob input acceleration
Boeing 747-400 LCF Dreamlifter
- Added EFB takeoff and landing performance tables
- Fixed pilot-defined waypoints failing to insert and not calculating correct flight path
- Fixed the bank limit selector and made it default to the AUTO position
- Added EFB to the cockpit
- CDU is now able to be powered by batteries, allowing for air start cart to be called without external power
- Fixed wheel chock positions and moved interaction volume offset.
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner
- Added EFB to the cockpit
- Added EFB takeoff and landing performance tables
- Fixed inverted nose gear animation
- Fixed gear clipping into ground and main gear suspension travel
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flight plan with some SIDs
- Fixed pilot-defined waypoints failing to insert and not calculating correct flight path
- Fixed flight paths at the connection between STAR and approach transition
- Fixed merging of approach transition and final approach when the transition joins the FAF
Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet
- Modified Panel Light Mode switch to be in Day mode by default, to have a better default screen brightness
- Modified Avionics circuits to be always on, so that screens work when starting from cold and dark
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
- Added Flight Seeing 04 livery
Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan Ex
- Removed disrespectful markings from the medic cabin
- Removed logos that were not approved from the medic cabin
Cessna 408 SkyCourier
- R66 no longer shows up as a variant of the Cessna 408 when both aircraft are present
- Fixed – aircraft engine audio is too quiet while at full throttle on the ground in cockpit view
Cessna Citation CJ4
- Fixed plane runaway during taxi cutscene
- Fixed EIS not displaying valid indications when in dispatch mode
- Fixed flap increment/decrement causing full extension/retraction
- Fixed floating front gear
- Fixed covers not being removed in missions when they should be
- Fixed standby flight display indication lights not being tied to battery discharge, and battery voltage
- Disabled inop AOA indicator lights
- Fixed overly bright ambient cockpit lighting
- Fixed Cabin and Steward Setting tooltip in EFB
- Fixed Avionics Master Switch checklist “look at” icon
- Added EFB tablet to cockpit
Cessna Citation Longitude
- Pulse lights are now inhibited when landing lights are selected on
- Fixed an issue where the airplane was using the incorrect fuel type
- Fixed an issue where the exterior door lift panel was being rendered with excessively low detail
- Fixed an issue where the landing gear tires could disappear at certain LODs while they were spinning
- Fixed an issue where you would not be able to open the cabin door after spawning on the apron at a high altitude
- Added non-English localization for most tooltip and checklist strings
- Added highlighting for exterior inspection checklist items that require checking probes/antennas/drains
- Fixed the animation for the emergency exit
- Fixed an issue where various exterior lights would disappear if the camera was moved too far from the airplane
Cirrus Aircraft SR22
- Adjusted static height CG to match sim so cut scenes look correct
- Add Fuel Pump Switch as INOP
- Converted all exterior model behaviours to use new FS2024 behaviours
- Elevator animation now changes based on pitch trim and elevator deflection
- Fixed bug where toggling the park brake using ctrl+space or external peripherals would not work
- Fixed bug where increase/decrease flaps keybind would set flaps to 0% or 100% and not any in between
- Fixed gear compression template and adjusted contact points
- Fixed door being selectable through canopy cover
- Fixed mouse scrolling moving the flaps lever in the proper direction
- Add Inop Oxygen Switch
- Add CAPS system
- Integrated non-English localization for checklist items
CubCrafters X-Cub
- Removed a livery with flags being too visible
- Upscaled wings/fuselage textures for XCub and fixed white frost frame inside cockpit of C172
- Fixed preflight check for big wheels
Diamond DA40 NG
- Fixed – ENG hangar description missing
- Fixed – Aggressive pitch tendency on takeoff with zero elevator input
- Fixed – Missions with Diamond Aircraft DA-40 NG do not show aircraft image on briefing screen
- Fixed – Localization not completed yet
- Fixed – Navigation graph and career mode cfg issues
Diamond DA62
- Debugging on LODs, liveries, frost, and dirt
Diamond DV20
- Fixed – LOC checklist steps not translated
- Fixed – Aircraft radios not receiving power
- Fixed – Fuel valve appears inoperative
- Fixed – Missing thumbnails
- Fixed – cfgs for career mode
Dornier SeaStar
- Frost layer added
- “Static port” decal added
- “Premium = 1” added to aircraft.cfg
- “Premium = 1” added to all livery.cfg (except FIRE)
Extra E330LT
- Fixed various issues in checklist
Guimbal Cabri G2
- Added Flight Seeing 15 Adaptive
- Fixed positions of preflight pins for blade socks
- Modified the behavior of the pitot and static port covers not to be able to reset them after having removed them to be consistent with the rest of the fleet
- Improved layout of the checklist for better readability
- Fixed of Heading and CDI glide missing knob interactions in LOW settings
Heart Aerospace ES-30
- Fixed missing tooltip / Improved checklist / Added max_gear_extended speed in flight_model.cfg
- Added EIS layout and aircraft icon on G5000 MFD
Hot Air Balloon
- Modified parameters for spawning ready for takeoff
- Fixed the position of an instrument camera
FlyDOO Hot Air Balloon
- Modified parameters for spawning ready for takeoff / Added a mooring rope at spawn
- Modified position and size of interaction volumes in preflight
Pilatus PC-12 NG
- Integration of new behaviors from WT.
- Change in variant name for Cargo variants (“Cargo – Empty” and “Cargo – Loaded”)
- Change in variant name from “Medical” to “Air Ambulance”
Pilatus PC-24
- Target specialization edition in aircraft.cfg (as indicated)
- 3 liveries added (8 in total).
Pilatus PC-6 B2
- Updated .flt files.
- Fixed engine start
- Fixed missing aircraft registrations.
- Fixed missing engine instruments in G950 MFD
- Changes to auto start procedure.
Pipistrel Virus SW 121
- Fixed – Total power loss
- Fixed – GPS Flight Path Not Appearing on MFD (Direct-To Only?)
- Fixed – Unable to Create Custom Tail Number
- Fixed – No Heat from Exhaust
Aircraft Core Systems
Failure / Wear & Tear
- Reduced brakes wear rate
Glass Cockpits
G1000 NXI
- Fixed an issue where auto-tuning of approach NAV radio frequencies was broken
- Fixed an issue where the FINAL waypoint of visual approaches could not be seen on the navigation map
Garmin G3000 / G5000
- Fixed an issue where auto-tuning of approach NAV radio frequencies was broken
- The GTC waypoint dialog now displays “Searching…” when it is still working to find and load the requested waypoint
- Fixed an issue where the user could select an incorrect waypoint using the GTC waypoint dialog if “Enter” was pressed while the dialog was still searching for a waypoint
- Fixed an issue where the FINAL waypoint of visual approaches could not be seen on the navigation map
Garmin G3X Touch
- The waypoint dialog now displays “Searching…” when it is still working to find and load the requested waypoint.
- Fixed an issue where the user could select an incorrect waypoint using the waypoint dialog if “Enter” was pressed while the dialog was still searching for a waypoint.
GNS 430/GNS 530
- Fixed handling of heliport elevation on airport page.
- Fixed an issue where auto-tuning of approach NAV radio frequencies was broken.
- Fixed an issue where the FINAL waypoint of visual approaches could not be seen on the navigation map.
Primus Epic 2.0 Integrated Avionics System
- Fixed Nav preview text overlap on the PFD.
- Fixed FA legs from the runway being skipped in departures.
- Fixed VNAV target readout not displaying the target altitude for passing at-and-above constraints when descending in VPTH mode.
- Fixed CHECK BARO SET message on the MFD displaying erroneously
- Improved FMS message handling and added automatic resolve.
- Intercept and manual sequencing legs can now be deleted and the route amended from these legs.
- Fixed PFD displaying incorrect wind data.
- Fix METAR date handling on WX tab for systems that have date displayed as “[Month] [Day]” instead of “[Day] [Month]”.
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flightplan with some SIDs.
- Fixed a bug where SIDs with no runway transitions were not shown after a departure runway was selected.
- Fixed an issue where invalid airports were automatically entered on the flightplan page on power up.
Pro Line 21 Integrated Avionics System
- Fixed handling of heliport elevation in the FMC.
- Fixed FA legs from the runway being skipped in departures.
- Fixed altimeter using incorrect barometric correction.
- Fixed broken POS INIT when spawning cold and dark.
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flightplan with some SIDs.
- The cruise altitude is now synced from the EFB.
UNS-1Ew SBAS-Flight Management System
- Fixed handling of heliport elevation in the waypoint ident page.
- Fixed FA legs from the runway being skipped in departures.
- Fixed duplicate runway legs inserted into the flightplan with some SIDs.
Flight System
Flight planning
- Flight planning edition was locked after doing a medevac mission in the main menu / free flight
- Updated the navigation data to cycle 2412.
- Fixed an issue where terminal VORs appeared as enroute intersections, and terminal NDBs were missing.
- Changed some non-24 hour ATC tower frequencies from CTAF to tower.
- Adapt system to allow for AIRAC cycles updates
- Fixed issue in EFB global onboarding where step titles weren’t translated.
- Fixed ballast loads interactions so that the player is able to open the load mass modification popup when clicking on it in the EFB’s aircraft app mass and balance menu
- Chart images are now loading in the EFB
- Fixed unit conversion issues that could cause heavy freezes within the EFB settings app
- Fixed takeoff and landing total distance safety margin on a grass runway.
- Added a summary page to the mass and balance
Aircraft tech
- Fixed issue with colored text on aircraft
Model behavior
- Fix hide/unhide of skinned meshs objects with model behaviors
- Fixed a regression with the RPN parser misinterpreting some variable names when the declaration contains a comma but no units (ex: (L:MyVar,))
- Fixed an issue where Epic 2 Display Unit (DU) model behavior templates were not compatible with sim attachments.
- Fixed an issue where certain Epic 2 autopilot switch model behavior templates were not working as intended.
- Fixed a bug that made some screens flicker after a restart on interaction exit due to some materials not being flagged as html render target
Modular aircraft
- Fixed a bug that didn’t correctly replace dynamic parameters and preprocessable code from input TT entries coming from some attachments (such as the GRM1000)
Aircraft Gameplay
- Fixed ATC sometimes denying VFR clearance while the weather is visually clear
Passive Aircraft
- Added Aeromexico and KoreanAir liveries for the following passive aircraft: B787 Family
- Fixed catering truck position during ground services
- Improvements on lighting for Truck Utility Japan, Truck Utility 01
- Preventing LODs to pop on the Pushback 03, Skyship Mast Truck
- Added the ability to change the name of a company in the company management screen
General Career Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect wear percentage displayed in the passive income popup
- Fixed insurance coverage percentage display in the repair coverage and crash coverage popups
- Fixed unlocked aircraft popup after passing a certification showing aircraft that are not actually unlocked
- Fixed mud and dirt not saved on user aircraft in freelancer mode
- Fixed exotic missions being visible on the career world map when no aircraft is available to play the mission
- Removed debug text when transferring aircraft
- Fixed incorrect wear and tear status on second hand aircraft
- Fixed the high-end aircraft sometimes not showing in the company license details screen
- Fixed incorrect component wear rate in the aircraft management screen
- Fixed mouse interaction when failing a career mission while in character mode
- Fixed transfer of aircraft from World Map when using a gamepad
- Fixed some unexpected errors happening when selecting a mission on the World Map
- Fixed special mission time left displayed as 0 for mission without time limit
- Fixed all missions being in preset weather even when live weather is available
- Fixed weather bonus taking the live weather into account when using preset weather
- Fixed wrong reward displayed on mission cards in freelancer mode
- Fixed wrong aircraft sell price displayed in the aircraft maintenance screen
- Fixed rotorcraft missions departing from an airport with runways and helipads having inconsistent departure flow
- Colors and company names are now correctly displayed on players’ aircraft liveries in HQ and freelance missions
- Fixed unexpected liveries for some freelance missions
- Increased tolerance before triggering “Entered runway without announcement”
- Fixed the placeholder takeoff announcement dialog in passenger transport rotorcraft
- Fixed the passenger dialog overlap with ATC during the takeoff phase in first flight missions
- Fixed several issues with ATC shortcut not working in mission
- Fixed landing on arrival runway with no fuel available doesn’t trigger mission success
- Fixed aviator performance on take off that was triggered instantly with rotorcrafts when using the “skip” feature
- Fixed mission title not translated in the mission briefing screen
- Fixed an issue where player could instantly fail the clearance steps after landing
- Fixed mission failure when crashing with no fuel on a helicopter
- Fixed Back-on-track during Cruise phase for Cargo Transport and Ferry Flight specializations
- Fixed liveries of adaptive vehicles (World Awareness) : text fonts, color variations, missing logos
- Added notification display for tire malfunction
- Fixed excessive winds and turbulence in Career mode
- Fixed infinite back-on-track in free flight when starting cold and dark on an obstacle
- Fixed the ‘Harming Passengers’ mission failure, which was triggered too easily during helicopter missions
- Fixed issues with “Overflying airport” and “Entered prohibited airspace” aviator performance penalties
Aerial Advertising
- Fixed scoring when hooking the banner and during the advertising pass
- Fixed feedback dialog when finishing the advertising pass
Agricultural Aviation
- Fixed text error in Agricultural Aviation in briefing text and dialogs
Cargo Transport – Hook (Rotorcraft)
- Fixed “Drop precision” score which could not reach maximum value
Charter Service – VIP
- Fixed debug text in private charter briefing.
- Fixed Audio playing after mission fail in Medevac mission
Passenger Transport – Airline
- Fixed airline procedure if the player completes a scored objective again.
Scientific Research (EXOTIC)
- Fixed low XP reward and excessive loss of reputation
Search & Rescue
- Fixed “Unexpected landing” mission failure when starting the search phase
Search & Rescue (Rotorcraft)
- Fixed target retrieval not validating after RTC if the rotorcraft moved
Skydive Aviation
- Fixed negative heading during jump phase step in skydive mission
- Fixed an issue where skipping to taxi when covers were removed blocked the progression
CPL – Commercial Pilot License – Airplane
- Fixed a step that contained non translated text
Rotorcraft hook
- Fixed a step that contained non translated text
Online Services
- Fixed career title on main menu staying locked after the end of a planned maintenance
- Removed some packages that have been added during development for feature test purposes on color adaptivity for vehicles and airplanes
- Fixed incorrect LOD for airport lights and vector placements
- Fixed shore waves and foam wind cover wrong direction
- Fixed visual artefacts on AMD that were occurring when looking at the South pole
- Fix ground materials resolution issues
- Fixed spikes on cliffs
- Fixed clouds popping when starting a challenge or world photographer flight
- Fixed bug in terrain that could occur on a career first flight
Standard Airports
- Improved LODs on airport buildings
- Fixed geometry on main terminal
- Fixed Z-Fighting on main terminal
- Improved LODs on airport buildings
- Improved Jetway functionality
- Improved collision on airport buildings
- Fixed various terrain issues
- Improved collision of airport buildings
- Fixed buried/floating building assets
- Improved LODs on buildings
- Fixed runway threshold markings
- Fixed vegetation issues
- Improved LODs on buildings
- Added taxiway signs
- Removed aircraft baked into the terrain
- Fixed issue with car logos on parked vehicles
Deluxe Airports
- Improved collision on main terminal
- Fixed textures on main terminal
Premium Airports
- Improved LODs of airport buildings
- Improved collision of airport buildings
- Added ATC Tower Lights at night
- Fixed jetway model distortion
- Removed vegetation growing out of roads
- Fixed building placements
- Improved lighting at airport
- Improved collision on airport buildings
- Improved LODs on multiple airport buildings
WU 01 – Japan
- RJX8
- Improved LODs on multiple airport buildings
WU 02 – USA
- Improved texture of natural monument POIs
- Removed Half Dome and El Cap POIs for improved world terrain data
- Improved water under Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and Mackinac Bridge
- Fixed collision around Devils Tower
- Fixed White House LOD popping
- Fixed National Radio Astronomy Observatory LOD popping
- Fixed Mount Rushmore LOD popping
- Improved vegetation around Mesa Verde
WU 03 – UK
- Fixed Pontcysyllte Aqueduct vegetation
- Fixed Glenfinnan Viaduct vegetation
- Fixed The Walkie-Talkie vegetation
- Fixed Archbishop’s Palace Maidstone vegetation
- Fixed The Gherkin vegetation
- Fixed Blenheim Palace garden vegetation
- Fixed Edinburgh Castle vegetation
- Fixed Iron Bridge vegetation
- Fixed Tower 42 LOD pop
- Fixed The Gherkin LOD pop
- Fixed The Leadenhall Building LOD pop
- Fixed One Park Drive LOD pop
- Fixed Kew Gardens LOD pop
- Fixed Royal Botanical Gardens LOD pop
- Improved Villa Park building
- Improved collision at The Gherkin
- Improved collision at Tower 42
WU 05 – Nordics
- Improved collision on building near main terminal.
WU 07 – Australia
- Fixed Cape Don Light vegetation issues
- Fixed Batman Bridge texture and vehicle pathing
- Fixed Central Park terrain clipping issues
- Fixed Abbot Point Coal Terminal model
- Fixed Bathurst Mount Panorama Racing Circuit model and text
- Fixed Flinders Street Railway Station vegetation
- Fixed Road/Vehicle pathing at Mooney Mooney Bridge
- Fixed Bay of Islands missing textures
- Fixed flickering advertisement screen/sign at Sydney Cricket Ground Stadium
- Fixed Gordan Dam water/texture
- Fixed Eureka Tower clipping issues
- Fixed William St sinkhole
- Fixed Devil’s Gate Dam clipping issues
- Fixed Gladesville Bridge bridge/roadway collision
- Fixed Hawkesbury River vegetation issues
- Fixed Longitude 131 Lodge clipping and texture issues
- Fixed Narrow’s Bridge and West Gate Bridge vegetation issues
- Fixed Telstra TV Tower vegetation issues
- Fixed marker text of Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges Gateway Bridges
- Fixed Flinders Street Railway Station clipping issues
- Fixed Great Barrier Reef Activity Platform marker text
- Fixed Infinity Tower clipping issues
- Fixed Warragamba Dam terrain
- Fixes to Sydney Harbour Bridge vegetation and LODs
- Fixed Sydney Tower vegetation issues
- Fixed Paul Wild Observatory duplicated building
- Fixed Green Island Jetty floating stairs and textures
- Fixed 108 ST Georges Terrace terrain
- Fixed Perth Arena LOD Pop
- Fixed The One texture
- Fixed South Sister Lookout Antenna texture
- Fixed Warragamba Dam terrain
- Fixed The Big Banana Fun Park texture
- Fixed Suncorp Stadium textures
- Improved Anzac Bridge realism
- Fixed Aurora Melbourne Central missing texture
- Fixed 1 William Street texture and sinkhole
- Fixed Australia 108 missing texture
- Fixed Marvel Stadium texture and clipping
- Fixed Optus Stadium missing texture
- Fixed 568 Collins Street missing texture
- Improved Melbourne Square realism
- Fixed 443 Queen Street missing texture
- Fixed Federation Square missing texture
- Improved Albion Viaduct realism
- Fixed Sir Leo Hielscher Bridges Gateway Bridges vehicle pathing
WU 08 – Iberia
- Fixed El Monumento Natural de los Mallos de Riglos extending textures
- Fixed La Constitucion De 1812 Bridge terrain issues
- Fixed Estadio D. Afonso Henriques LODs
- Fixed Braga Cathedral clipping
- Fixed La ermita de San Juan de Gaztelugatxe missing texture
- Fixed Castillo de Santa Barbara terrain issues
- Fixed Las Medulas floating stones
- Improved Aldeadavila Dam realism
- Fixed El Monasterio de El Escorial terrain and texture issues
- Fixed Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya vegetation
- Fixed El Monasterio de El Escorial z fighting textures
- Various vehicle improvements
WU 10 – USA 2
- Fixed Hot Springs Mountain Tower clipping
- Improved collision at Blackbeard’s Castle
- Fixed San Felipe del Morro Castle terrain
- Fixed High Point Monument vegetation
- Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site shifted aerial fixes
- Fixed Bok Tower Gardens Tower is elevated terrain
WU 11 – Canada
- Fixed Hell’s Gate Airtram terrain
- Improved collision at R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant
- Fixed Georges Island National Historic Site vegetation
- Flag removed from Centre of Canada
- Confederation Bridge now searchable via freeflight menu
- Fixed Chateau Lake Louise vegetation
WU 12 – New Zealand
- Improved LODs on airport buildings
- Improved LODs on airport buildings
- Fixed Z-Fighting on airport buildings
- Fixed Vegetation misplacement
WU 13 – Oceania
- Menara TVRI Tower duplicated building fixes
- Fixed Royal Hawaiian Hotel vegetation
- Fixed The Ritz-Carlton Residences Waikiki Beach vegetation
- Fixed Tomb of King Pomare V vegetation
- Fixed Presidential Palace, Papeete vegetation
- Fixed Grand Pacific Hotel vegetation and removed flag
- Fixed InterContinental Le Moana Bora Bora vegetation
- Fixed Istiqlal Mosque vegetation
- Flag removed from Robert Louis Stevenson Museum
- Fixed Suramadu Bridge terrain
- Fixed Sam Poo Kong Temple Compounds vegetation
- Fixed Sanggar Agung Temple Compounds vegetation
- Fixed St. Regis Bora Bora Resort vegetation
- Fixed Davis Station terrain
- Fixed Tonga Royal Palace texture
- Fixed Pacific Arcade vegetation
- Fixed Norfolk Island Convict Barracks duplicated buildings
- Fixed Parliament Of The Republic Of Fiji z fighting textures
- Fixed Tsubaki Tower and Hotel Nikko lighting
- Fixed Tengku Fisabilillah Bridge vegetation
- Improved collision of Aitutaki Lagoon Island Resort
- Fixed Vegetation misplacement.
WU 16 – Caribbean
- Fixed Gustavia Lighthouse vegetation issues
- Fixed Government House texture and terrain issues
- Fixed Elbow Reef Lighthouse vegetation issues
- Fixed Cathedrale de Milot missing texture
- Flag removed from Monument to the Heroes of the Restoration
- Fixed King’s House Jamaica vegetation issues
- Fixed City of la Asuncion Gymnasium vegetation
- Fixed Iglesia de Jesus de Miramar vegetation
- Fixed Red House vegetation
- Fixed The Reef at Atlantis vegetation
- Fixed The Cove at Atlantis vegetation
- Fixed The Water Tower vegetation
- Fixed duplicated navigation marker at Communications Tower
- Fixed Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca vegetation
- Fixed Parliament Building in Grenada vegetation
- Fixed Fort Oranje vegetation
- Fixed Atlantis Bahamas vegetation
- Fixed Bacunayagua Bridge vegetation
- Improved Brimstone Hill Fortress vegetation and texture
- Fixed Sandy Island terrain issues
- Willemstoren Lighthouse low quality/res aerial fixes
- Fixed Energy LP Storage Terminal LODs
- Improved collision of Energy LP Storage Terminal
- Fixed Rose Hall Great House terrain
- Fixed Citadelle Laferriere terrain
- Fixed Fort Beekenburg terrain
WU 17 – UK & Ireland
- Fixed Castle Ward terrain issues
- Fixed Silver Jubilee Bridge terrain issues
- Fixed Britannia Bridge terrain issues
- Fixed Dunluce Castle distorted texture issues
- Fixed Inverness Castle terrain issues
- Fixed Barmouth Bridge terrain and vegetation issues
- Fixed Llyn Clywedog Dam terrain issues
- Fixed The Leeds Castle missing texture issues
- Fixed Fastnet Lighthouse LODs
- Fixed Sealand POI experience LODs
- Improvements to collision at Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
WU 18 – Germany 2
- Fixed Maria Hilf Chapel LODs
- Fixed Lavant Viaduct vegetation issues
- Fixed Kaiser Wilhelm Monument terrain issues
- Fixed Edersee Dam terrain issues
- Fixed Deutscher Wetterdienst Meteorologisches Observatorium Marker
- Fixed Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe / Mountain Park Wilhelmshöhe terrain issues
- Fixed Schönbühel Castle terrain and vegetation issues
- Fixed Schottwien Bridge terrain issues
- Fixed Muengstener Bruecker terrain issues
- Fixed Mauvoisin Dam stretched textures issues
- Fixed Mohne Dam terrain issues
- Fixed Krausel Klause Viaduct vegetation issues
- Fixed La Dole Radar Station terrain issues
- Fixed Dobratsch Transmitter lighting
- Improved collision at St. Johann Antenne
- Fixed Rakotzbrucke/Devils Bridge LODs
- Fixed Wendelstein Observatory vegetation issues
- Fixed Schilthorn LODs
- Improved collision at Titlis Cliff Walk
- Fixed Schilthorn texture issues
- Fixed Red Bull Arena LODs
- Removed grass, plants and rocks from tin’s blobs
Air Traffic
- Adding lights on several passive aircraft (AA1, AA5, BL8, DG1001, E2, E330, Eagle, EJet195E2, Generic Gliders, Husky, Kodiak, Legacy 500, M7, P2002, P2004, P2006, P2008, P2010, P2012, P92, Phenom 100, Phenom 300, Praetor 500, Praetor 600, S2000, T38, TBM930, Beech 17, CL185, C188, C207, C400, C404, C408, C90, S340)
- Added the option to disable and enable items in MyLibrary
- Added possibility to visualize community content in “My Library”
- Switched Thrust Vector Horizontal and Vertical actions which were previously inverted
- New default input profiles for HP Mixed Reality Controllers
- New default input profiles for HTC Vive Controllers
- New default input profiles for Valve Index Controllers
- New default input profiles for Windows Mixed Reality Controllers
- Gamepad 2024 Helicopters default profile :
- Mapped Brake to X
- Unmapped Quick Trim from X
- Keyboard 2024 Helicopters default profile :
- Mapped Brake to Space
- Mapped Parking Brake to Ctrl+Space
- Remapped Rotor Brake to Ctrl+/
- PFT-PUMA 2024 Helicopters default profile :
- Mapped Parking Brakes to Button26
- Unmapped Rotor Trim Reset from Button26
- Mapped Left and Right Brake Axis to pedals axes
- Supported Rudder peripherals 2024 Helicopters default profile :
- Mapped Left and Right Brake Axis to pedals axes
- Supported VR Controllers 2024 Helicopters default profile :
- Mapped Left and Right Brake to Squeeze input
- Unmapped Quick Trim from right Squeeze input
Various peripheral fixes
- Fixed Rudder Axis Left/Right actions missing from Helicopters and Lighter Than Air categories
- TWCS Throttle default profile:
- Fixed inverted aileron trim on planes, gliders and others profiles
- VelocityOne FlightStick PC default profiles :
- Fixed inverted Throttle and Collective on airplanes, helicopters, lighter than airs and others default profiles
- VelocityOne Flight Xbox default profiles :
- Fixed inverted Elevator Pitch, Cyclic Longitudinal, Propeller and Mixture
- VelocityOne FlightStick Xbox default profiles :
- Fixed Tail Rotor mapped to wrong axis
- Fixed inverted Cockpit Freelook Vertical, Elevator Pitch, Cyclic Longitudinal and Throttle
- T.Flight Hotas One Xbox default profiles :
- Fixed inverted Elevator Pitch, Throttle and Collective
- Fixed missing mappings for Cylic Longitudinal and Lateral on helicopters default profile
- T.Flight Hotas X default profiles :
- Fixed Rudder and Tail Rotor mapped to the wrong axis
- Fixed missing mappings for Cylic Longitudinal and Lateral on helicopters default profile
- T.Flight Hotas One PC default profiles :
- Fixed Rudder and Tail Rotor mapped to the wrong axis
- Fixed missing mappings for Cylic Longitudinal and Lateral on helicopters default profile
- TCA Sidestick X Xbox default profiles :
- Fixed Rudder mapped to the wrong axis
- Fixed inverted Throttle on Axis 1 (Sidestick)
- Fixed inverted Collective on Axis 5 (Quadrant)
- Fixed inverted Helicopter Throttle on Axis 8 (Quadrant)
- Adjusted throttle/collective axes sensitivity for all profiles. Airplane throttle sensitivity is now based on Airbus detents (as on PC)
- Fixed an issue where world and friends leaderboards could load infinitely
Backward Compatibility
- Fixed Interactive points FLT save and load
- Fixed non-passable in VR “look around” step in a few trainings
- Fixed wrong random out-of-boundaries failure in Helicopter Introduction training
- Fixed the Helicopter trainings Xbox Assistance Presets to allow crash trigger activation on Xbox
- Fixed FMC values not matching dialogue lines in Airliner Takeoff tutorial
- Fixed level change mode step not disappearing after being validated in Airliner Takeoff Tutorial
- Fixed Skipped Step in Glider Tutorial: Aerotow.
- Added proper crash triggers and mission failed pages to all training, for moments when there are no back-on-tracks.
- Turned off the Altitude Hold AI before demonstrating Hover without assistances in Helicopter – Basic Maneuvers training.
- Fixed possible softlocks happening after back-on-tracking following a crash.
World Photographer
- Fixed Dune du Pilat’s detection in the “Landscapes of Europe” World Photographer collection
- Fixed time condition when taking a photo
- Fixed time only going back from 1hour when using + and – buttons in time panel
- Improved Chimney Rock’s detection in the “Notable Rocks” World Photographer collection
- Improved Murchison’s antennas’ detection in the “Space: the Skies Beyond” World Photographer collection
- Improved Namib desert’s detection in the “Nature from High Above” World Photographer collection
- Added onboarding notification when entering a World Photographer flight with no photo objective previously completed
- Fixed music sometimes being cut while loading
- Fixed “Exit devmode” option always greyed out.
- VFSProjector now grants access to encrypted files that are not protected
- Fixed texture paths returned in Package Builder messages (was returning a hash instead of the real path)
- Fixed and improved scenery package order.
- Fixed layout issues in most editors and tools when using a 4k monitor
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing devmode windows from Windows (e.g. with alt+F4)
Scenery Editor
- Removed taxiway dirt from legacy airports archetype. There is still unwanted dirt near parkings in legacy packages.
- Fixed material polygon not rendered
- Fixed jetway link sometimes relinking to incorrect altiture when moving the jetway.
- Fixed light too bright on light rows without preset
- Fixed secondary heightmap not flattened when vegetation exclusion is disabled on a runway
- Fixed crash when generating sim object list
- Fixed crash when moving an invalid world script
- Improved scenery list generation time by creating a scenery name list with the PackageCompressor
- Fixed projected mesh flagged as marking text not drawn after other markings.
- Prevent material discontinuity on aprons
- Clarified how polygon’s vegetation density slider works, with an info message when graphics settings aren’t high enough to see all trees
- Selected all packages by default in the Objects panel.
- Moved the “Replace with…” buttons of scenery/sim objects/simprop containers inside a single button
- Fixed a conversion issue on carparkings’ heading with packages imported from FS2020.
- /!\ Please note that if you already opened and saved your scenery in FS2024, the conversion won’t be done again and you might need to update it by yourself. If no other changes were made to that scenery, you can also re-import the package to get this done.
SimObject Editor
- Fixed possible crash when using Save and Apply near an airport
- Fixed stringlist parsing error due to unwanted space between values
- Fixed hashmap parsing adding unwanted unknown param
- Fixed modifeid state in camera cfg tab
- Fixed excluded param incorrectly parsed during the merge
- Add live edition option for contact points position
- Fixed typo in career compatibility tab
- Fix limit on maximum number of terrain instances. Separate terrain from EFB/Minimap to let developers use the 9 available maps.
- Fix windsock ModelBehavior template to keep wind direction no matter what the object rotation is.
- Fixed XML gauge conditionnal text color not working for some expressions.
- Fixed WASM gauge loaded even if the aircraft referencing it is in a different package
- Added a sample to show how to use new function : SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries
- Add new blend scenes for DA62 sample
- Add Blend sample for windsock
- Added a new sample that shows how to mod an existing aircraft
- Added support for an optional “AbsoluteValue” attribute on WwiseRTPC tags in sound.xml/soundai.xml files, it expects a boolean value and tells whether to use the absolute value of the variable
- Brought back SIMCONNECT_SIMOBJECT_TYPE to its previous order and added new value at the end
- Implemented SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries function that returns a list a spawnable simbobjects and their liveries
- Added extended functions to SimConnect to specify livery when spawning a SimObject
- Fixed Aircraft spawning on the same parking slot when spawned with Simconnect
- Removed DoneIO popup
- Added access to environment var in vars extension
- Fixed ZULU time
- Added Wasm build in Release With Debug Info detection in the Wasm Debug Window
- Added access to environment var in vars extension
- Fixed a bug where Wasm Vars and Events APIs where not usable in standalone or airport modules
- Updated efb_api to the latest version
- Blender
- Fix export lights
- Update default emissive scale
- Fix export material animations
- Add enable/disable export meshs
- Clarify use of material_type update function
- Adjustments of standard shader : Rename uv2 input and Unlink AO when there are no base color texture of detail color texture set
- Fixed export objects
- Fixed set Blend Mask Texture
- Added Tire material
- Add “export as submodel” option

John is the founder and Editor in Chief at DSOGaming. He is a PC gaming fan and highly supports the modding and indie communities. Before creating DSOGaming, John worked on numerous gaming websites. While he is a die-hard PC gamer, his gaming roots can be found on consoles. John loved – and still does – the 16-bit consoles, and considers SNES to be one of the best consoles. Still, the PC platform won him over consoles. That was mainly due to 3DFX and its iconic dedicated 3D accelerator graphics card, Voodoo 2. John has also written a higher degree thesis on the “The Evolution of PC graphics cards.”
Contact: Email