Fallout New Vegas feature

Fallout: New Vegas just got a complete first-person locomotion animation overhaul mod

Modder ‘Wombat’ has released a new mod for Fallout: New Vegas that completely updates the first-person movement animations. This mod makes the main character’s movements much better. It’s a must-have for anyone who wants to replay this classic Fallout game. So, let’s take a closer look at it.

Enhanced Locomotion updates all animations, like running, walking, jumping, landing, sneaking, and limping for all weapon types. It also fixes old problems, such as sideways jumps with melee weapons stopping all momentum. This will make some FNV fans happy as those issues were quite annoying.

As the modder noted, the mod has just the right amount camera and body movement to convey motion. The good news is that it’s not exaggerated to make you dizzy. In other words, the effects won’t be distracting. Not only that but the vanilla movement speed is kept on all animations. Players can also expect iron sight specific movement animations for minimal swaying when walking and aiming at the same time.

You can go ahead and download the mod from this link. You can also find a video at the end of the article. This video highlights all the changes and tweaks that the mod brings to the table. As such, I highly recommend watching it.

If you are into Fallout: New Vegas, you can also try these other mods for it. For instance, this mod adds real-time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game run smoother. Oh, and there’s a mod that reduces landscape texture seams. Plus, there’s a mod to make the game’s characters even smarter. Another must-have mod is this one which improves collision accuracy, and fixes/optimizes meshes.

In June 2024, we shared a mod that brought to the game some STALKER-like anomalies. Moreover, you can get this mod that adds physically-based vehicles to the game. And if you love quests, there’s a mod that gives you an endless supply of new ones. Let’s also not forget Visuals Improved Content Expanded Mod. This mod fills the surroundings of Vegas to make it feel more like a real city.

There are also some cool fan-made expansions for New Vegas. Four of them are being made as we speak. These are Fallout: Broken CityFallout Van buren RemakeFallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have these DLC-sized mods that you can grab and play right now. These fan expansion mods are Fallout New CaliforniaFallout: Free Cheyenne DemoFallout New Vegas: Out of Bounds and Fallout The Frontier.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

Enhanced Locomotion