Fallout New Vegas Dry Wells Fan Expansion Mod

Fallout: New Vegas just got a new fan expansion, featuring 6+ hours of gameplay with 20+ quests, 35+ fully voiced characters, new minor factions and more

Modder ‘ToxicWhiteout’ has created a new fan expansion for Fallout New Vegas called Dry Wells – Legion Expansion. This expansion gives you over 6 hours of gameplay, with more than 20 quests. It also has 35 fully voiced characters, new smaller factions, and more stuff. So, let’s dive in and see in more detail what it offers.

Dry Wells – Legion Expansion rebuilds the Dry Wells from the ground up. As such, it allows you to visit it before nuking it on Lonesome Road. This new area comes with new assets. It also expands upon Legion lands in Arizona.

The mod includes over 20 quests, both marked and unmarked. These quests range from small tasks, like delivering items, to bigger challenges like large battles. You’ll also be able to explore medium-sized dungeons. Players can also expect four questlines. Each of them has multiple parts. Two of these focus on the main Legion story, while another is about freeing slaves. There’s also a short questline where players can make choices for a new group called The Hunters’ Guild.

The modder claims that your choices will also affect the main quest. This should also increase the mod’s replayability. Or at least that’s what ToxicWhiteout claimed. I haven’t installed it, so I can’t comment on it.

Not only that but players can expect 35+ voiced characters. Plus, it will allow players to obtain a new home by completing the main questline. Also, it will allow you to learn about the Twisted Hairs tribe through hidden notes scattered throughout the map and see where they were betrayed.

In short, this is a cool fan expansion that a lot of Fallout NV fans will appreciate. So, if you are currently playing it, we highly recommend downloading the mod from this link.

The expansion also includes three optional files. The first one adds Desert Natural Weathers Climate to the Dry Wells area. The second is an audio mod that puts radios in Dry Wells that play Imperium Radio. The third file adds a footlocker to the player’s home, where you can find the armor of Gaius Magnus and other rewards. Needless to say, you should also install them.

If you are into Fallout: New Vegas, you can also try these other mods for it. For instance, this mod adds real-time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game run smoother. Oh, and there’s a mod that reduces landscape texture seams. Plus, there’s a mod to make the game’s characters even smarter. Another must-have mod is this one which improves collision accuracy, and fixes/optimizes meshes. Earlier this week, we also shared this mod that updated the first-person movement animations.

In June 2024, we shared a mod that brought to the game some STALKER-like anomalies. Moreover, you can get this mod that adds physically-based vehicles to the game. And if you love quests, there’s a mod that gives you an endless supply of new ones. Let’s also not forget Visuals Improved Content Expanded Mod. This mod fills the surroundings of Vegas to make it feel more like a real city.

There are also some cool fan-made expansions for New Vegas. Four of them are being made as we speak. These are Fallout: Broken CityFallout Van buren RemakeFallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have these DLC-sized mods that you can grab and play right now. These fan expansion mods are Fallout New CaliforniaFallout: Free Cheyenne DemoFallout New Vegas: Out of Bounds and Fallout The Frontier.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!