Fallout New Vegas Visuals Improved Content Expanded Mod

Fallout: New Vegas Visuals Improved Content Expanded Mod fills the surroundings of Vegas to make it feel more like a real city

Modder ‘Mugsie’ has released a new mod for Fallout: New Vegas that aims to make Vegas feel and look more like a real city. Basically, this mod fills out some harshly neglected areas in and around New Vegas to have a more “close to concept” appearance.

Going into more details, VICE adds pre-war police, firefighter, and military presence to the city, as well as downed planes, traffic and wreckage. It also adds diners, cafes, and drive-ins, as well as public utilities and spaces. Players will also find police, fire, train and gas stations, as well as school and churches. There is also a new saloon, brothel, casino, and mining guild.

Not only that but the mod restores details seen in the intro cinematic for consistency. It also features more NPCs than the vanilla game. Some of them will patrol the area, and some of them may even be hostile to the player. You will also find notes and terminals for more worldbuilding. There are also some classic architecture veterans of the series will recognize. And finally, some boarded buildings will be now explorable. Pretty cool right?

In short, this mod will make Vegas feel more alive than before. So, go ahead and download it from this link. At the end of the article, you can also find a showcase video for it. So, be sure to watch it as it can give you an idea of what you can expect from it.

If you are into Fallout: New Vegas, you can also try these other mods for it. For instance, this mod adds real-time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game run smoother. Oh, and there’s a mod that reduces landscape texture seams. Plus, there’s a mod to make the game’s characters even smarter. Another must-have mod is this one which improves collision accuracy, and fixes/optimizes meshes. And if you love quests, there’s a mod that gives you an endless supply of new ones.

There are also some cool fan-made expansions for New Vegas. Four of them are being made as we speak. These are Fallout: Broken CityFallout Van buren RemakeFallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have these DLC-sized mods that you can grab and play right now: Fallout New CaliforniaFallout: Free Cheyenne DemoFallout New Vegas: Out of Bounds and Fallout The Frontier.

Have fun and stay tuned for more!

Fallout: New Vegas - VICE Release Trailer