
Dying Light – Low vs High vs SweetFX Comparison Screenshots

Dying Light has just been released and below you can view some comparison screenshots between the game’s Low and High settings. The interesting thing here is that Dying Light let us only choose between Medium and High textures. Apart from that limitation, we were able to properly adjust all other graphics settings. 

Low settings are on the left, High settings are on the middle, and SweetFX settings are on the right.

Do note that our SweetFX config should be avoided in case you’re gaming on TVs with their Sharpening filters enabled by default. Moreover, our SweetFX images are with the game’s Medium Textures, proving that SweetFX can make a huge difference (the only downside is that its sharpening filter brings slight aliasing).

You can download our SweetFX from here. Do note that we’ve been using RadenPro in order to use SweetFX in Windows 8.1 (since Dying Light is a 64-bit application, we’re using Boulotaur2024’s special SweetFX version).

Enjoy and stay tuned for our Performance Analysis that will go live tomorrow.