Final Fantasy XV – Xbox One X versus PS4Pro versus PC Comparison Screenshots

Earlier today we shared some comparison screenshots between the PS4 and the PC versions of Final Fantasy XV. And it’s time now to compare the recently released PC demo to the Xbox One X and the PS4Pro versions.

Firstly, here are some comparison screenshots between the PS4Pro and the PC versions from Resetera’s member Isee. PS4Pro was running the game in High mode and the PC version was running at 1440p on max settings. PS4Pro images are on the left whereas PC screenshots are on the right.

Resetera’s member Rayge then shared a comparison screenshot between Xbox One X, PS4Pro and the PC. In the following comparison, both the Xbox One X and the PS4Pro versions were running in High Mode. Naturally, the PC version was running on max settings. Furthermore, the same time of day was used in all versions.

PS4Pro versus PC

Xbox One X versus PC