Weekly CryEngine 3 Gallery [September 23rd – 29th]


CryENGINE fans, today we bring you new images from the works of modders and 3D artists BrandV3D, darkchazz, Haquinusrex, LiXingchen, Maximum-Dev, Novation, USSR_GRAND and therogen. In addition, we’ve included an image and a video from the latest update of Project Crynosaurs that showcase an in-game T-Rex. Furthermore, you can find videos from therogen’s and Scott McTavish’s environments. Enjoy!

Haquinusrex no2Haquinusrex no1BrandV3D no1LiXingchen no1Project Crynosaurs no1darkchazz no1Novation no2Novation no3Novation no1Maximum-Dev no1USSR_GRAND no1USSR_GRAND no2therogen no1therogen no2therogen no3therogen no4

Fairy Forest Game Environment in Cryengine

Shawn Kassian Environment Demo Reel