Tag Archives: Assassin’s Creed: Origins

Windows 10 Intel Security Update is now available, six triple-A games tested in CPU-bound scenarios

Yesterday, we informed you about a security design flaw in Intel’s processor that required a new software update. According to initial reports, this fix would bring a performance hit on Intel’s CPUs somewhere between 5-30%. Microsoft has released this security fix for Windows 10 so it’s time to test some triple-A games under CPU-bound scenarios. Continue reading Windows 10 Intel Security Update is now available, six triple-A games tested in CPU-bound scenarios

Ubisoft, EA & SEGA protected their games in 2017 as the latest version of Denuvo hasn’t been cracked

It appears that Denuvo has managed to win the last big battle of 2017. On October 26th, Ubisoft released the latest Assassin’s Creed game that was powered by the latest version of the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. And after two whole months, this new version of Denuvo is still safe from crackers and hackers. Continue reading Ubisoft, EA & SEGA protected their games in 2017 as the latest version of Denuvo hasn’t been cracked

AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 17.12.1 benchmarked on Radeon RX580 in 8 triple-A games

AMD has just released a new major driver for its graphics cards. According to the red team, the AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 17.12.1 adds a new Overlay feature (default ALT+R) allowing management of certain Radeon Settings features while in-game or on desktop such as Radeon ReLive, Radeon FreeSync, Radeon Chill, Frame Rate Target Control, Display Color, and Performance Monitoring. Continue reading AMD Radeon Adrenalin Edition 17.12.1 benchmarked on Radeon RX580 in 8 triple-A games

Assassin’s Creed Origins Patch 1.1.0 releases tomorrow, adds HDR support & addresses downgrade-ation reports

Ubisoft has announced that a new patch for Assassin’s Creed Origins will release tomorrow. According to the release notes, the Assassin’s Creed Origins patch 1.1.0 will add HDR support on the PC, will improve Performance Tools functionality and will fix the stuttering issues on NVIDIA graphic cards when playing in borderless mode. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Origins Patch 1.1.0 releases tomorrow, adds HDR support & addresses downgrade-ation reports

Assassin’s Creed Origins is still not working on CPUs without SSE 4.1 & 4.2, like the AMD Phenom II CPUs

It’s been more than a month since the release of Assassin’s Creed Origins and users with CPUs that lack SSE 4.1 or 4.2 support are still unable to play the game. This is an issue that plagued numerous games in the past. However, and contrary to other developers, Ubisoft does not seem willing to patch the game. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Origins is still not working on CPUs without SSE 4.1 & 4.2, like the AMD Phenom II CPUs

Assassin’s Creed Origins – December patch will add Nightmare difficulty and two new quests

Ubisoft has announced that it will release a new patch for Assassin’s Creed Origins in December. According to the French company, this update will add a new “Nightmare” difficulty level, and will an enemy scaling option. This enemy option will automatically scale the lower level enemies to players’ level. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Origins – December patch will add Nightmare difficulty and two new quests

Destiny 2 had a solid PC release, single-player games still have legs

SuperData has released its worldwide digital video games stats for October 2017. According to the stats, the total revenue across console, mobile and PC in October was $8.5 billion, up from $7.4 billion in the same month last year. This growth is mainly due to a 28% jump in premium PC sales. Continue reading Destiny 2 had a solid PC release, single-player games still have legs

Ubisoft has managed to protect Assassin’s Creed Origins from pirates for an entire month

Back in October, Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed: Origins which uses the latest version of the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. Not only that, but Ubisoft has protected Denuvo with VMProtect. The French company has put VMProtect on top of Denuvo. And while some may claim that this implementation is eating additional CPU cycles, Ubisoft has managed to protect its game from pirates for an entire month. Continue reading Ubisoft has managed to protect Assassin’s Creed Origins from pirates for an entire month

Assassin’s Creed Origins suffers from stuttering issues but has not been downgraded at all

Yesterday, Ubisoft released a new update for the PC version of Assassin’s Creed: Origins. As we’ve already reported, this patch introduces annoying stuttering issues on quad-core CPUs; stutters that were not present in the launch version. However, and contrary to various reports, Ubisoft has not downgraded the game’s visuals. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed Origins suffers from stuttering issues but has not been downgraded at all

Assassin’s Creed: Origins still needs further optimization improvements, patch 1.05 benchmarked

Assassin’s Creed: Origins is a pretty interesting case on the PC. Ubisoft’s latest title is among the most demanding PC games of 2017. And while it scales wonderfully on more than four CPU cores/threads, the game suffers from optimization issues. The French company has just released a new patch for the PC version and so we decided to benchmark it. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed: Origins still needs further optimization improvements, patch 1.05 benchmarked