Tag Archives: Bethesda

Doom Felt Like “Doom” In Spring 2013, Will Be All About Movement, Will Capture The Core Ideas

In Quakecon 2015, Bethesda held an one-hour special panel discussion on their upcoming first-person shooter, DOOM. During that panel, Marty Stratton, Hugo Martin, Robert Duffy and Brad Bramlett revealed some new information about this highly anticipated first person shooter. Continue reading Doom Felt Like “Doom” In Spring 2013, Will Be All About Movement, Will Capture The Core Ideas

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Modded Looks Phenomenal Even Today

With the release of the latest current-gen titles these past few months, one would expect to see a noticeable difference between Skyrim modded and these triple-A games. Well, it appears that modders have outdone themselves as the modded version Skyrim still looks phenomenal, even for today’s standards. Below you can find some images from ENBSeries members. Enjoy! Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Modded Looks Phenomenal Even Today

DOOM Will Feature More Varied Environments Than Doom 3, Won’t Take Itself Seriously

In an interview with METRO’s GameCentral, the executive producer of DOOM, Marty Stratton, revealed some new information about id Software’s upcoming shooter. According to Marty, this new DOOM game won’t take itself as seriously as Doom 3. And while some horror elements are present, the game won’t follow Doom 3’s route. Continue reading DOOM Will Feature More Varied Environments Than Doom 3, Won’t Take Itself Seriously

This Comparison Proves That DOOM Would Look Better With Proper Colours

When Bethesda revealed Doom to the public, one thing made everyone scratching their heads; where the hell have the colours gone? It appears that id Software has included a brown-ish filter that may very well annoy you. And if the following comparison is anything to go by – created by NATHAN RANNEY – then we can safely say that the game would look better with more proper colours (I mean, the Cacodemon is red. Plain and simple. Not brown). Here is hoping that id Software will give players a way to remove this filter from the final game. Continue reading This Comparison Proves That DOOM Would Look Better With Proper Colours

DOOM – First Official 4K Screenshots Released

Bethesda has just released the first screenshots for DOOM in glorious 4K resolution. These images showcase some of the enemies that are featured in id Software’s upcoming reboot. Doom is powered by the id Tech 6 and looks gorgeous, though we do have to say that its visuals reminded us those of Doom 3 (level design also seems similar, apart from the fact that the levels are not as dark-ish as those featured in Doom 3). Enjoy! Continue reading DOOM – First Official 4K Screenshots Released

DOOM – First Official Gameplay Trailer Released, Coming In Spring 2016

Bethesda has released the first official trailer for DOOM. DOOM is powered by id Tech 6 (or as Bethesda calls it internally, id Tech 666) and will be coming to current-gen platforms in Spring 2016. The game will be friendly to modders with its Snapmap feature that was announced during Bethesda’s E3 Conference. Enjoy! Continue reading DOOM – First Official Gameplay Trailer Released, Coming In Spring 2016