Tag Archives: Capcom

Resident Evil 5 February 28th Update completely removes GFWL, adds support for local co-op

Now here is something unexpected. After almost eight years, Capcom released a new patch for Resident Evil 5 that removes its Games for Windows Live support. Furthermore, this latest update adds support for local split-screen co-op. Continue reading Resident Evil 5 February 28th Update completely removes GFWL, adds support for local co-op

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 4 released, full patch notes

Capcom has just released a brand new update for Monster Hunter Rise. According to the release notes, Title Update 4 adds new monsters, including a Risen elder dragon, and new Anomaly Research Quests. Furthermore, it brings a new “3D Audio” option, and new Event Quests. Continue reading Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 4 released, full patch notes

Capcom has shut down the fan remakes of Resident Evil: Code Veronica & Resident Evil 1

In October 2022, we shared a demo for a fan remake of the first Resident Evil game in Unity Engine. And, as you may have guessed, Capcom has sent the team a C&D letter to shut it down (alongside the fan remake of Resident Evil: Code Veronica). Continue reading Capcom has shut down the fan remakes of Resident Evil: Code Veronica & Resident Evil 1