Tag Archives: CONTROL

Batman Arkham Knight, Battlefield 1 & Metal Gear Solid 5 in 8K/Ultra on NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090

YouTube’s ‘Bang4BuckPC Gamer’  has shared some new videos, showcasing a number of PC games running in 8K and Max Settings on the NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090. To be more precise, the YouTuber showcased Batman Arkham Knight, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5 running in 8K/Ultra. Continue reading Batman Arkham Knight, Battlefield 1 & Metal Gear Solid 5 in 8K/Ultra on NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090

Was NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti a 4K/60fps GPU? – 83 PC games benchmarked on 4K/Ultra Settings

In 2018, NVIDIA released the high-end model for its Turing GPUs, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti. Back then, NVIDIA advertised that GPU as a 4K/60fps graphics card. Thus, we’ve decided to collect in a single article all of the games we’ve benchmarked these past two years, and see whether this GPU was able to achieve that initial goal. Continue reading Was NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti a 4K/60fps GPU? – 83 PC games benchmarked on 4K/Ultra Settings

CONTROL March Update available for download, adds DLSS 2.0 support, full patch notes

Remedy has just released the March 2020 Update for CONTROL. As promised, this new patch adds support for NVIDIA’s DLSS 2.0 tech. Moreover, it improves the readability of the map, adds button toggle options for Launch and Aim and revises the ability tree. Continue reading CONTROL March Update available for download, adds DLSS 2.0 support, full patch notes

CONTROL and Mechwarrior 5 will officially support DLSS 2.0, comparison screenshots released

Yesterday, we informed you about the possibility of DLSS 2.0 coming to CONTROL and Mechwarrior 5. And today we are happy to report that this will indeed happen. NVIDIA has just announced that both CONTROL and Mechwarrior 5 will officially support this new DLSS technique. Continue reading CONTROL and Mechwarrior 5 will officially support DLSS 2.0, comparison screenshots released

NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 is reportedly coming to Control and Mechwarrior 5

DLSS 2.0 is the evolution of NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Sampling technique that its Turing GPUs support. This latest version of DLSS was first used in Wolfenstein: Youngblood, however, it appears that it will be also coming to two older titles. Continue reading NVIDIA DLSS 2.0 is reportedly coming to Control and Mechwarrior 5