Tag Archives: CONTROL

Control patch 1.03 changelog revealed; improves stability, performance, map loading times & more

Remedy has detailed the next update for its supernatural adventure action game, Control. According to the changelog, update 1.03 improves stability, performance and map loading times. Moreover, it fixes multiple issues with the PC launcher related to DX11/DX12 crashes. Continue reading Control patch 1.03 changelog revealed; improves stability, performance, map loading times & more

Control Review

What is Control? What makes Control different from other Remedy games? What does it mean to control? Is controlling enjoyable or just another meaningless task? Would you dare to control? Do you like power over others? Do you believe in destiny? Would you attempt to kill yourself for answers or power? Well… Remedy did and they’ve done it gloriously. So did I and so will you. It’s the only way through.

Continue reading Control Review

Here is how you can completely fix the annoying DX12 stutters, even with Ray Tracing, in Control

As we’ve already reported, Control suffers from some really annoying stuttering issues in DX12. However, it appears that this is mostly due to Windows 10 and not the game itself. PC gamers can use Exploit Protection to eliminate all stuttering issues, and we can confirm that this solution works. Continue reading Here is how you can completely fix the annoying DX12 stutters, even with Ray Tracing, in Control

Remedy will bring RTX improvements, Motion Blur option and better in-game map to Control

505 Games and Remedy have detailed the future patches that will be coming to their supernatural action adventure game, Control. According to the teams, this patch will bring RTX improvements, will add a Motion Blur option, and will enhance the in-game map. Continue reading Remedy will bring RTX improvements, Motion Blur option and better in-game map to Control

NVIDIA and AMD release optimized drivers for Remedy’s supernatural action game, Control

AMD and NVIDIA have released new drivers that are optimized for Remedy’s supernatural action game, Control. Although the green team did not reveal any performance percentages increases, AMD noted that this driver improves performance under the DX11 API. Continue reading NVIDIA and AMD release optimized drivers for Remedy’s supernatural action game, Control

Control PC Performance Analysis

Control has just been released on the PC, so it’s time to benchmark it and see how it performs on the PC platform. As we’ve already reported, the game is using the Northlight Engine, and is one of the few titles that use ray tracing for multiple features. Moreover, the retail version does not use the Denuvo anti-tamper tech. Continue reading Control PC Performance Analysis

Control has great DLSS implementation, 1440p/Max settings with 60fps on NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti

Remedy’s Control releases tomorrow and since 505 Games has lifted the game’s embargo, we can finally talk about its PC performance. As we’ve already reported, Control is taking advantage of real-time ray tracing and supports NVIDIA’s DLSS. And we are happy to report that DLSS looks great in this title. Continue reading Control has great DLSS implementation, 1440p/Max settings with 60fps on NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080Ti