Tag Archives: CONTROL

Remedy confirms that Control will be better optimized and run faster than Quantum Break

Quantum Break is a game that pleasantly surprised me with its visuals. Sure thing, the game requires a really powerful PC system in order to be enjoyed, however it still looks great even today. Naturally, a lot of PC gamers have been wondering whether Control would be as demanding as Remedy’s previous title. And today, Remedy confirmed that Control will run better than Quantum Break. Continue reading Remedy confirms that Control will be better optimized and run faster than Quantum Break

Remedy on the PC version of Control: “No, it’s not downgraded”

Last month, Remedy revealed the official PC requirements for Control. However, last week the team lowered the game’s PC specs, something that puzzled a number of gamers. Due to these lower PC specs, some gamers began wondering whether the PC version was downgraded. Thankfully, Remedy states that the game has not been downgraded on our platform. Continue reading Remedy on the PC version of Control: “No, it’s not downgraded”

Story trailer released for Remedy’s supernatural action adventure game, Control

505 Games and Remedy have released the story trailer for their upcoming supernatural action adventure game, Control. Control is set in a unique and ever-changing world that juxtaposes our familiar reality with the strange and unexplainable. Continue reading Story trailer released for Remedy’s supernatural action adventure game, Control

Control Ray Tracing RTX Comparison Screenshots

Remedy and NVIDIA have been doing their best to hype the real-time ray tracing effects that will be featured in Control. Two days ago, the green team released a trailer dedicated to RTX and a new set of screenshots surfaced yesterday, showcasing the visual difference between the game’s vanilla Very High/Ultra settings and RTX. Continue reading Control Ray Tracing RTX Comparison Screenshots

New official RTX gameplay trailer released for Control, showcasing its real-time ray tracing effects

NVIDIA has released a brand new official RTX gameplay trailer for Remedy’s supernatural title, Control, showcasing its real-time ray tracing effects. Remedy will be using real-time ray tracing for reflections, contact shadows, diffuse global illumination and transparent reflections, making Control one of the best showcases of the RTX tech. Continue reading New official RTX gameplay trailer released for Control, showcasing its real-time ray tracing effects

Control official PC requirements; supports both DX11 & DX12, NVIDIA RTX2080 recommended for RTX

Remedy has revealed the official PC system requirements for its Control via its Epic Games Store page. According to the specs, PC gamers will at least need an Intel Core i5-7500 or an AMD Ryzen 3 1300X with 8GB of RAM and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or an AMD RX580. Continue reading Control official PC requirements; supports both DX11 & DX12, NVIDIA RTX2080 recommended for RTX

26 minutes of gameplay footage from the PC version of Control with Ray Tracing effects enabled

Control is Remedy’s upcoming game that promises to be the best showcase for real-time ray tracing. From what we’ve seen so far, Remedy’s supernatural action game will surpass what 4A Games achieved in Metro Exodus and below you can find a video showing 26 minutes of gameplay footage from its PC version. Continue reading 26 minutes of gameplay footage from the PC version of Control with Ray Tracing effects enabled

Control was running with steady 60fps with its ray tracing effects enabled at E3 2019

Remedy showcased the PC RTX version of Control at E3 2019. From what we know so far, the team will be using real-time ray tracing for reflections, contact shadows, diffuse global illumination and transparent reflections, and from the looks of it the game runs with 60fps with all its bells and whistles enabled. Continue reading Control was running with steady 60fps with its ray tracing effects enabled at E3 2019

Here are 18 minutes of gameplay footage from the E3 2019 demo of CONTROL

Gamespot has shared a video, showing 18 minutes of gameplay footage from the E3 2019 demo of Control. Control is Remedy’s new sandbox-style, gameplay-driven experience that I’m personally really looking forward to (I also liked Quantum Break with its time travel concept). Continue reading Here are 18 minutes of gameplay footage from the E3 2019 demo of CONTROL