Tag Archives: Devolver

Official Serious Sam 3: BFE Requirements

Few days ago, we reported some system requirements that were posted at GetGamesGo. Naturally, we contacted the game’s publisher to find out whether those requirements were true or not. And today we can confirm that those system requirements are the official ones. It’s funny though because Croteam and Devolver didn’t mention the ATI/AMD cards at all – or the AMD CPUs – so we are wondering whether the game will be optimized for ‘green team’s’ cards. Continue reading Official Serious Sam 3: BFE Requirements

Serious Sam 3: BFE – New Screenshots Revealed

Devolver released some new screenshots for their action mayhem FPS game, Serious Sam 3: BFE. Croteam’s latest Serious Sam offer looks great and what’s more interesting is that alongside those screenshots, the company revealed that a new video and an announcement will be coming next week. Stay tuned for more action fans but for now, enjoy the following screenshots! Continue reading Serious Sam 3: BFE – New Screenshots Revealed

Serious Sam 3: BFE – System Requirements Revealed

Serious Sam 3: BFE is one of our most anticipated FPS games this year and although the first gameplay leaked videos didn’t really impress us, we have to keep in mind that those levels were the first ones. If the game is similar to the previous parts, later on there will be a mayhem with lots of enemies. But will your PC handle it? Well, it’s time to find out as we have the system requirements for it. Continue reading Serious Sam 3: BFE – System Requirements Revealed

First Gameplay Footage from Serious Sam 3: BFE

Okay, call me impressed. Here is today the first gameplay footage of Serious Sam 3: BFE and it’s exactly what I’ve hoped to. Lots of enemies, lots of gibs, new weapon models, upgraded graphics  and the same Serious Sam feeling. Hell yeah, the game hasn’t lost it touch and feels the same with the first one – notice that I didn’t mention Serious Sam 2? Seriously, you have to watch it. It’s a bit laggy but that’s probably due to capturing the video and does not represent how the game actually runs. Oh, and the Kamikazes sound exactly as in the first game which is a plus. Continue reading First Gameplay Footage from Serious Sam 3: BFE

Brand New Stunning Screenshots of Serious Sam 3: BFE

Devolver has just released five brand new screenshots for Croteam’s upcoming first person mayhem game, Serious Sam 3: BFE, and let us tell you that they look phenomenal. This is a true Serious Sam game with lots of gibs, enemies and rockets flying around you and we are seriously impressed with the visuals of the Serious Engine. Serious Sam 3 is slated for a late Summer release, though Devolver promised to announce a specific date for it in the coming days. Enjoy the screenshots after the jump. Continue reading Brand New Stunning Screenshots of Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE To Feature Split-Screen Co-Op and Versus Multiplayer

Serious Sam fans, get ready for some crazy split-screen mayhem as Croteam has confirmed that Serious Sam 3: BFE will ship on the PC with four-player split screen campaign cooperative and multiplayer versus modes. This basically means that players can use a mouse and keyboard in combination with up to three game pads on a PC to battle together through the twelve levels of mayhem and go head-to-head in Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Survival, Beast Hunt and other multiplayer modes in Serious Sam 3: BFE. Continue reading Serious Sam 3: BFE To Feature Split-Screen Co-Op and Versus Multiplayer

Serious Sam 3: BFE Release Announcement Pretty Soon

Serious Sam 3: BFE is one of our most anticipated FPS games this year and all we’ve heard so far was that the game would be released this Summer. Well, since we are in the middle of its last month, we’ve contacted Devolver – the game’s publisher – to find out whether it is on schedule or not and according to the company, a proper announcement will be made pretty soon. Continue reading Serious Sam 3: BFE Release Announcement Pretty Soon