Tag Archives: DICE

Star Wars Battlefront 2 patch 1.2 is now available, full release notes revealed

DICE has released a brand new patch for Star Wars Battlefront 2. According to the release notes, this patch features some balance tweaks and fixes for Heroes and Villains, balance tweaks and fixes for a number of maps, as well as some changes to all classes, special Units, and Infantry units. Continue reading Star Wars Battlefront 2 patch 1.2 is now available, full release notes revealed

Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod removes the annoying Chromatic Aberration effect

Modder ‘RGF_Lamestreamer’ has released an interesting mod for Star Wars Battlefront 2. The Full Filmic FX Remover mod removes the Lens Flare, Chromatic Aberation, Film Grain, Vignette, Radial Blur, Motion Blur and Lens Distortion effects from DICE’s latest Star Wars title. Continue reading Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod removes the annoying Chromatic Aberration effect

Former DICE artist shares screenshots and video of his incredible new forest Unreal Engine 4 project

Former DICE artist, Ren, has shared some new screenshots and a video for his amazing forest project. This project shows the graphical capabilities of Unreal Engine 4 and explores the limits of real-time rendering. Continue reading Former DICE artist shares screenshots and video of his incredible new forest Unreal Engine 4 project

DICE will revamp the progression system and will add a new game mode to Star Wars: Battlefront 2

DICE has announced that major updates are coming to Star Wars Battlefront 2, and shared some new interesting stats for its title. As the press release reads, in The Last Jedi Season, players completed over 10 million quests for either the First Order or the Resistance and engaged in desperate showdowns on Crait over 156 million times. Continue reading DICE will revamp the progression system and will add a new game mode to Star Wars: Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Patch 1.1 is now available for download and here are its release notes

DICE has released the first patch of 2018 for Star Wars Battlefront 2. According to the release notes, the Star Wars Battlefront 2 patch 1.1 brings Iden Versio’s TIE/In fighter to multiplayer matches, and adds the Crait map to the Blast Game Mode. Continue reading Star Wars Battlefront 2 Patch 1.1 is now available for download and here are its release notes

Electronic Arts and Bungie promise to fix/improve Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2

2018 is here and it appears that EA and Bungie will do their best to improve Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2, respectively. Both companies have revealed some of their 2018 plans for these two titles, so go ahead and take a look at what’s it’s coming to both of them. Continue reading Electronic Arts and Bungie promise to fix/improve Star Wars: Battlefront 2 and Destiny 2

Modders bring Battlefield 2142 back from the dead, multiplayer working, featuring even custom maps

Back in October, we informed you about the termination of Revive; a mod that re-enabled multiplayer functionalities in a number of Battlefield games, including Battlefield 2142. Thankfully, a team of modders has figured out another way in order to restore multiplayer in Battlefield 2142. Continue reading Modders bring Battlefield 2142 back from the dead, multiplayer working, featuring even custom maps

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 – Patch 1.0 available, adds Finn & Phasma, Resurrection DLC, new maps & more

Electronic Arts and DICE have released a major new patch for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. According to the release notes, the Star Wars Battlefront 2 update 1.0 adds Finn and Phasma as playable heroes, the Resurrection DLC campaign featuring three new campaign chapters and new maps for Galactic Assault and Starfighter Assault. Continue reading Star Wars: Battlefront 2 – Patch 1.0 available, adds Finn & Phasma, Resurrection DLC, new maps & more

New Star Wars: Battlefront 2 patch adjusts/tweaks economy and progression system

After what has happened with Star Wars: Battlefront 2’s loot boxes, DICE promised to balance and tweak stuff after the game’s launch. And today, Electronic Arts and DICE released a brand new patch for Star Wars: Battlefront 2. According to DICE, this patch includes some adjustments to the economy and progression system.  Continue reading New Star Wars: Battlefront 2 patch adjusts/tweaks economy and progression system