Tag Archives: Origin

Electronic Arts launches EA Origin Holiday Sale with up to 75% discounts

Electronic Arts has launched its EA Origin Holiday Sale, offering numerous games at great discounts. The big publisher is offering Battlefield 1 with a 60% discount, Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition with a 40% discount, Need For Speed Payback with a 50% discount, Watch_Dogs 2 with a 67% discount and Batman: Arkham Origins with a 75% discount. Continue reading Electronic Arts launches EA Origin Holiday Sale with up to 75% discounts

EA’s Origin now allows you to manage download speed, adds FPS counter & cross-game party invites

Electronic Arts has just rolled out a new update for its online distribution service, Origin. This update introduces an option via which PC gamers can finally limit their download speeds. This is a must-have option that should have been included in Origin from the get-go. So, better late than never I guess. Continue reading EA’s Origin now allows you to manage download speed, adds FPS counter & cross-game party invites

Origin Access is completely free until June 20th, allowing you to play Crysis 3, Titanfall, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst & more

Electronic Arts is offering Origin Access completely free to all PC gamers until June 20th. During this period, PC gamers can play for free a number of games published by EA, such as FIFA 17, Titanfall, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, Star Wars: Battlefront, Battlefield 4, Crysis 3, Need for Speed, Dragon Age: Inquisition and more. Continue reading Origin Access is completely free until June 20th, allowing you to play Crysis 3, Titanfall, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst & more

EA’s Origin stores Credit-Card information online that cannot be removed/deleted

Our reader ‘Ramiz’ has informed us about Origin storing credit card information online, and the fact that this information cannot be removed, no matter what. According to Ramiz, the CC number and dates are stored automatically on Origin, even when users do not click on the “store payment info” checkbox. This means that your information is vulnerable to whoever gets logged in Origin via your profile. Continue reading EA’s Origin stores Credit-Card information online that cannot be removed/deleted

SEGA, Rebellion, Kalypso Media and Team 17 join Origin

Electronic Arts announced today that SEGA will bring its most popular PC game titles to Origin, EA’s direct-to-consumer gaming platform. SEGA’s Total War Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai is now available for pre-order to PC gamers on Origin. In addition to SEGA, other new publishers joining Origin today include Team 17 Software Limited, Rebellion, Kalypso Media Digital and more, bringing the number of game publishers and developers on Origin to 35 partners. Continue reading SEGA, Rebellion, Kalypso Media and Team 17 join Origin

Origin – Update 8.3 Released; Will Be Required For Battlefield 3

Electronic Arts released a new build for their online digital distribution and digital rights management system, Origin. This new build will be required for when Battlefield 3 get’s released, so make sure to download it and install it now. This new build will update Origin’s version to V8.3 and features a number of additions and improvements that can be viewed after the jump. Continue reading Origin – Update 8.3 Released; Will Be Required For Battlefield 3