Tag Archives: Remedy

Remedy is working on four games right now, Vanguard to be long-term service-based multiplayer game

Remedy has announced that it is currently working on four games/projects. The “first game project” is the single-player campaign of CrossfireX. The second project is also a game in the Crossfire universe, though we don’t have enough information about it yet. Continue reading Remedy is working on four games right now, Vanguard to be long-term service-based multiplayer game

First mod for Remedy’s Control lets you enable infinite hover, configure auto-aim parameters & more

Modder ‘reg2k’ has released the first proper mod for Remedy’s supernatural action adventure game, CONTROL. This mod basically allows you to take control of the game’s very large number of tweakable parameters. Continue reading First mod for Remedy’s Control lets you enable infinite hover, configure auto-aim parameters & more

Control first free DLC, Expenditions, is now available via the December Update, full patch notes

505 Games and Remedy have announced that the first free DLC for Control, Expenditions, is now available for download. This free DLC is part of the December Update that has just come out, and you can find below its full release notes. Continue reading Control first free DLC, Expenditions, is now available via the December Update, full patch notes

Remedy removes Control’s October 2019 Update & Photo Mode from PC due to always-online bug/issue

Remedy has just removed Control’s October 2019 update and its Photo Mode from the PC due to an issue with the Epic Games Launcher. According to the team, the latest update had an issue that forced players to be online in order to play. That was not intentional and Remedy has rolled back the PC version until it fixes it. Continue reading Remedy removes Control’s October 2019 Update & Photo Mode from PC due to always-online bug/issue

New free update adds Photo Mode to Remedy’s Control

505 Games and Remedy Entertainment today released Photo Mode as a free update for the award-winning supernatural action-adventure game Control. Control’s newly added Photo Mode invites players to express their creativity by capturing, customizing and sharing their favorite moments in just a few easy steps. Continue reading New free update adds Photo Mode to Remedy’s Control

Control patch 1.03 changelog revealed; improves stability, performance, map loading times & more

Remedy has detailed the next update for its supernatural adventure action game, Control. According to the changelog, update 1.03 improves stability, performance and map loading times. Moreover, it fixes multiple issues with the PC launcher related to DX11/DX12 crashes. Continue reading Control patch 1.03 changelog revealed; improves stability, performance, map loading times & more