Tag Archives: SEGA

Aliens: Colonial Marines To Receive New Update With Improved Visuals & Enhanced Textures

Aliens Colonial Marines
Gearbox revealed that it will be releasing a new update for Aliens: Colonial Marines PC, possibly next week. According to the development team, this update will be quite large in size and will come with better textures, improved visuals, the addition of a mouse smoothing option, as well as all those fixes included in the latest PS3 and X360 patches that were released a couple of days ago. Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines To Receive New Update With Improved Visuals & Enhanced Textures

Company of Heroes 2 Is Coming To The PC This June

Company of Heroes v2
A lot of PC strategy fans got worried when THQ closed its doors. Even though Relic was acquired from SEGA, we had not heard anything new about the sequel to Company of Heroes for quite some time. Until today. We’re happy to report that Company of Heroes 2 is scheduled for release on June 25th, 2013 in North America and Europe. So start celebrating everyone; it’s not cancelled and it’s coming this Summer. Continue reading Company of Heroes 2 Is Coming To The PC This June

Total War: Rome II – The Battle of Teutoburg Forest Trailer

Total War Rome II
SEGA and Creative Assembly have released a new trailer for Total War: Rome II, featuring in-game graphics. Total War: Rome II promises to sink players into the dangerous political machinations of Rome’s senate, while asking them to struggle with family dilemmas and question the loyalty of ‘friends’ and allies. The game is planned for a 2013 release, exclusively to the PC. Enjoy! Continue reading Total War: Rome II – The Battle of Teutoburg Forest Trailer

Aliens: Colonial Marines Infamous Demo Was Running In Real-Time On A High-End PC

Aliens Colonial Marines
By now, everyone knows that Aliens: Colonial Marines is not up to what they had hoped and does not come close to the demo version that was showcased in E3. Sure enough, our SweetFX mod can bring some of its atmosphere back, however the lack of dynamic light sources and shadows is something that has a big impact on the game’s visuals. So why is the final version so different from the demo version? The answer is simple: the demo version of Aliens: Colonial Marines ran on a high-end PC that surpassed the capabilities of both PS3 and X360. Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines Infamous Demo Was Running In Real-Time On A High-End PC

Modder MaLDo trashes AliensDX11 Mod: “This is the bigger fake I can remember in gaming”

Aliens Colonial Marines v2
A couple of days ago, we informed you about a mod for Aliens: Colonial Marines that was supposedly enabling a DX10 renderer for it. Despite the fact that this mod was featured in most places, it seems that it is not what most of you were hoping for. According to modder MaLDo (the one behind the amazing Texture Pack for Crysis 2) this mod is a big scam and believes that this – alongside ACM Custom Settings – is ‘the bigger fake I can remember in gaming.’ Continue reading Modder MaLDo trashes AliensDX11 Mod: “This is the bigger fake I can remember in gaming”

Obsidian’s Cancelled Aliens: Crucible RPG – New Video Shows Off Some Of The Game’s Animations

Guru3D’s member ‘pusscifer’ has stumbled upon a really interesting video from Obsidian’s cancelled Aliens RPG game. This video was uploaded Danny Garnett who has worked on Obsidian’s title and did some animations for the xenomorphs. This animation reel looks really cool, and that cancelled Aliens game was meant to be called Aliens: Crucible. Too bad that SEGA has cancelled it though. But anyway, enjoy the video after the jump! Continue reading Obsidian’s Cancelled Aliens: Crucible RPG – New Video Shows Off Some Of The Game’s Animations

Aliens: Colonial Marines tester spills the beans: “SEGA were well aware the game sucks”

Aliens Colonial Marines v2
Aliens: Colonial Marines will be the title that will surpass Duke Nukem Forever. Yes, it wasn’t under development for as much time as 3D Realms’ FPS was, however it turned out to be just as bad as Duke’s latest adventures. And ironically, it will keep us busy for a long time. A tester of Aliens: Colonial Marines has started an AMA on Reddit and according to the moderators of the sub-reddit /r/Games, this is a valid tester of Aliens: Colonial Marines. In other words, no, this is not someone trolling or someone faking information just for the heck of it. Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines tester spills the beans: “SEGA were well aware the game sucks”

Aliens: Colonial Marines – DirectX 10 and Sweet FX Combo In Action

Aliens Colonial Marines
Justin Salih has informed us about a video he made using our SweetFX mod and the DX10 mod for Aliens: Colonial Marines. The DirectX 10 Mod is said to add better lights and realistic light-shadow effects lamps, as well as better reflections for the weapons. The good news here is that these two mods are compatible with each other, meaning that you can use both of them. You can view such a combination below in Justin’s video. Those interested can download the DX10 mod from here and our SweetFX mod from here. Enjoy! Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines – DirectX 10 and Sweet FX Combo In Action

Aliens: Colonial Marines Can Look Good – SweetFX vs Vanilla

Aliens Colonial Marines
Let’s be honest; we all got disappointed with Aliens: Colonial Marines’ visuals. And to be honest, it was a challenge for us to make this game look good. Naturally, it is still not as good as other triple-A titles due to its engine limitations (or the fact that Gearbox did not take advantage of a lot of graphical effects that Unreal Engine 3 supports). Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines Can Look Good – SweetFX vs Vanilla

Aliens: Colonial Marines Gets Its First Title Update

Gearbox has released the first title update for its Aliens: Colonial Marines game. According to the changelog, this update comes with various performance and general user interface improvements, fixes collision issues and fixes some Single Player and Multiplayer issues that have been reported. Unfortunately, no AI tweaks for all of you so here is hoping that Gearbox will address it in a future patch. You can view the complete changelog (for all platforms) below. Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines Gets Its First Title Update