Tag Archives: Sonic CD

Sonic 4 and Sonic CD are officially coming to the PC

Remember when we stated that Sonic 4: Episode 1 would be coming to the PC? As we said back then, Steam’s registry does not lie and look and behold; SEGA has just announced that both Episode 1 and 2 will be coming to our beloved platform later this year. But wait, there is more; Sonic CD will also hit the PC today. According to SEGA, the launch of Sonic Generations on the PC was quite successful and as a result of that, the company decided to port all the latest Sonic games. Hooray! Continue reading Sonic 4 and Sonic CD are officially coming to the PC

Sonic CD Details: Built on Retro Engine, true widescreen support, physics improved

Yesterday we informed you about the re-release of Sonic CD on the PC – alongside the release in pretty much every gaming platform. Well, today we are happy to bring you some juicy details about it and let us tell you that this won’t be a simple emulated version of the Sega CD game. No, it will be something a little bit more than that with proper widescreen support and improved physics. Continue reading Sonic CD Details: Built on Retro Engine, true widescreen support, physics improved

Sonic CD coming also to the PC

Sonic fans, get ready becase the retro Sonic version that was originally released on Sega CD is also coming to our beloved platform. Sonic CD will be released on the PC simultaneously with the console versions this Holiday and will be available only via download. That was revealed in its teaser trailer which was released today and can be viewed after the jump. Continue reading Sonic CD coming also to the PC