Bad news for all Japanese gamers as Square Enix has just announced that the game’s japanese version will be delayed to October. The reason of this delay is a scene that shows expressions forbidden by the Japanese games ratings board. As a result of that, Square Enix decided to take their time and fix it. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution delayed to October in Japan→
Okay, there are some videos that you simply can’t miss and this is one of them. JC Denton is called to locate Tong and release him but in today’s world of DLC mayhem, nothing is as easy as you might have thought. This video also showcases some of today’s idiotic features, like health regeneration (although that system is not overused in Human Revolution). Just watch it, you’ll love it! Continue reading Hilarious Deus Ex video showcases what would happen if Deus Ex was built and based on Human Revolution→
Here are some good and bad news for Deus Ex fans as Square Enix has officially announced Human Revolution’s DLC. The DLC will be called Missing Link and will feature sprawling new environments, new layers of conspiracy and brand-new characters to interact with. The bad news, however, is that Adam will lose all his augs and you’ll have to rebuild them. Yeah, it’s one of those DLC/sequels where you lose all of your powers. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s DLC Officially Announced; A real disappointment after EIDOS little ‘game’→
Square Enix has just announced that Dungeon Siege 3 will receive a DLC this October. The DLC – called Treasures of the Sun – will be released on all platforms and will be priced at $9.99. Treasures of the Sun will include a new plot arc and additional quests set in the new environment of Aranoi Desert. Continue reading Dungeon Siege 3 DLC Announced→
EIDOS Montreal played with our minds these past days. The company had previously promised to make a special announcement today and instead of simply telling us what the buzz was all about, they decided to release some crypted codes. The company kept updating those codes this past hour and we can now report that they have finally revealed what that special message actually was. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s special announcement is… a website and two images→
The entire Internet is trying to decrypt Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s secret message but we might have found out what this special announcement could be. As you probably know, this message could be a DLC announcement and Elias Toufexis confirmed some days ago that there would be a DLC for Human Revolution. Now keep this in the back of your mind and keep reading. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s Special Announcement could be an Area 51 DLC→
Let’s get one thing straight from the beginning. Ladies and gentlemen, here is our GOTY 2011 (well… at least so far). Deus Ex: Human Revolution is exactly what all Deus Ex fans have been waiting for. It provides you with the ability to complete every single mission the way you want to. It features a classic inventory system, has lots of augmentations and Easter eggs and its level design is by far the best we’ve seen so far. Is it perfect? Of course not but this doesn’t mean anything as you will agree with us when you get the chance to play it; this is the GOTY 2011. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC Review→
While logging to the game today, we were greeted with an unexpected message. According to this new message, there will be a special announcement on August 29th at 22:00GMT. Now we don’t really know what that special announcement could be. A DLC perhaps? A massive update? Or an announcement of a HD remake for the first Deus Ex – we really doubt it but who knows. You can find a screengrab of the menu that shows the upcoming announcement after the jump. Continue reading Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Special Announcement Coming On August 29th→