Remember those rumors about the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim? Well, it appears they were valid as Bethesda has officially announced this new content, coming to Xbox Live on December 4th. Yes yes, platform exclusivity once again. You saw that coming, didn’t you? Oh well. The good news here is that dragon mounting will be featured, something that is showcased on the trailer itself. And spears. And pretty much everything that was hinted back in October. Hooray. Enjoy! Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Dragonborn DLC Officially Announced→
Today we bring you new shots from Skyrim modders FrozenFeather, USPrototype, Asareth, Panther38, VictoriaG, Berseneva, doimi, cryies, thansam1, MisterGibson, Chilliblitz, osthamp, regnbagar, jonx0r, productid309, Zar1n, Veniar, Shunreal and papp263. As always, below you can find some gorgeous screenshots (not photoshopped) that range from sexy women to spectacular landscapes. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [October 28th – November 3rd]→
Bethesda has announced – via its Tweeter account – that a new DLC is coming to its acclaimed RPG, Skyrim. Although the company did not reveal much, it shared an image from a character that will be present on this DLC, and can be viewed below. Not only that, but a trailer for this DLC will be released on November 5th. Naturally, expect to see this DLC first on X360 and a month later on other platforms (due to Microsoft’s exclusivity deal). Enjoy and stay tuned for more! Continue reading Bethesda teases a new DLC for Skyrim, trailer coming on November 5th→
Man, Skyrim keeps getting better and better. Today we bring you new screenshots from Skyrim modders Shunreal, Maevan2, Dazaster, pynk, WorshipTheSatan, pfaffendrill, ladygothica, jtenma, pastrana, usmovers_02, samnilsen, xweto, Zar1n, Grace Darkling, zzjay and wraith132. As always, below you can find amazing landscapes, gorgeous skyboxes and sexy women. Next-gen is already here and Skyrim modded shows the full potential of Bethesda’s RPG. Naturally, every modder has been using a different set of mods and that’s precisely why we can’t share each and every one of them. After all, the purpose of a gallery is to present images and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [October 21st – 27th]→
Today we bring you new shots from Skyrim modders Shunreal, amw80, trivium7357, Zar1n, SkyrimENB, insanityman, kaldaar, SunwellPL, Modd3r, hellosanta, LastOracleofDawn, VictoriaG, Elenear, HoneyVanity, spanian77 and MisterGibson. As always, below you can find all kinds of themes; from sexy women to gorgeous landscapes. Truth be told, we were expecting a bit more from Skyrim modders as we were spoiled last week with what most of them have managed to achieve. Still, the following images show what Skyrim modded can look on a high-end PC, so make sure to take a look. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [October 14th – 20th]→
Bethesda’s forum member ‘Mardoxx’ has managed to uncover more information about the rumored Dragonborn DLC of Skyrim. According to Mardoxx’s findings, this new DLC will feature spears alongside the ability to mount dragons. In other words, it seems that Bethesda is going to include a lot of features that were showcased on its Skyrim JAM video. Mardoxx has also unveiled the complete list of all features that might come on this rumored DLC – that were present on Skyrim’s Update 1.8 Beta – and can be found below. Kudos to those who may take a closer look and find more interesting things than the ones reported. Continue reading Skyrim Dragonborn DLC Rumored Feature List – Spears Hinted→
Well, you gotta love gamers who take a closer look at one game’s files and uncover hidden information. Bethesda has released a beta patch for the PC version of Skyrim, and it seems that they have included some information about the game’s latest DLC. According to the information that has been brought to our attention, Skyrim’s new DLC will be called Dragonborn and is said to feature mounted spell casting, as well as mounted dragon combat. Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn DLC Hinted On Latest Update, Might Include Mounted Dragons→
Bethesda has released the beta version of their latest 1.8 Update for Skyrim. Those interested in participating in the Steam beta will have to log into Steam, click on Steam in the upper menu, select Settings, go to the Beta Participation section (located under the Account tab) and select Change. A drop down menu will appear in which players can select Skyrim’s Beta program. Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Update 1.8 Beta Available On Steam→
Today we bring you new shots from Skyrim modders voodoohammer, ThunderCross, VictoriaG, wraith132, Hungryriceball, Shunreal, Maevan2, Kyokushinoyama, Elenear, Lisnpuppy, 3XXII, lsinsocal, devona80, orphennoc, Chilliblitz and UnitedStrafes. As always, below you can find sexy women, gorgeous landscapes, and artistic takes on various themes. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [October 7th – 13th]→
Skyrim fans, today we bring you new shots from modders Veniar, MatrixCoder, JUNO1, wraith132, zilver1000, devona80, CaptainMauin, Shunreal, BlakkPhoenixx, ShadowSky, nal, Zar1n, JoPineapples68, VictoriaG, residentZ3R0, phb6436293,thansam1 and TomAraya. Skyrim keeps getting better and better. As always, you can find below screenshots that feature gorgeous and sexy women, as well as breath-taking landscapes. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [September 30th – October 6th]→