Bethesda has announced that the Hearthfire DLC is now available on Steam for the PC version of Skyrim. With this official add-on to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you can purchase land and build your own home from the ground up – from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with an armory, alchemy laboratory, stable, garden, and more. Continue reading The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Hearthfire DLC Is Now Available On Steam→
Good news for Elder Scrolls fans as the entire franchise is currently 50% off on Valve’s digital distribution service, Steam. This collection includes the award-winning titles Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim along with the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim. In other words, PC gamers can get Morrowind and Oblivion for 9.99 euros each, Skyrim for 29.99 euros, or the entire collection for 54.98 euros. Continue reading Entire Elder Scrolls Collection is 50% off on Steam→
Today we bring you new shots from the works of Skyrim modders ommort, ShadowHeartsTwo, Thardok, Veniar, nal, Katiemw, JUNO1, Zar1n, CharrGazgre, elajitz, Yyna, yui0820, no1imi7s, forbeatn, Maevan2, Lycanthroat, FredericJ, VictoriaG and BlakkPhoenixx. This week, we focused on the unique art style that can be achieved with the various ENBSeries mods, textures and custom characters, and you can see below, some of the images are truly a beauty to behold. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [September 23rd – 29th]; Unique Art Style Elevates Skyrim To New Heights→
Okay, expect to see more of these videos everyone as gamers are really into this ‘Gangnam Style’ thing. YouTube’s member ‘PixelatedPie1’ has created an interesting Battlefield 3 video and used the game’s guns to simulate the song’s vocals. YouTube’s member ‘abexomotron1’ on the other hand has uploaded a video in which two guards are dancing this song. Enjoy! Continue reading Battlefield 3 and Skyrim Join The ‘Gangnam Style’ Phenomenon→
As they say, better late than never. So, Skyrim fans, today we bring you new screenshots from modders Maevan2, NathMorion, Rosendaemonin, Malinka888, vvk78, rauhfaser, kaldaar, bits01, Chilliblitz, rauhfaser, darkstone, stac016, Eiries, propa, Lilstormcloud, sayka83, emble, JoPineapples68, AquilaUmbrae, Fixer1234 and alexsilvestre. As you may have guessed, below you will find from sexy women to lovely landscapes. Enjoy! Continue reading Weekly Skyrim Gallery [September 16th – 22nd]→
Have you ever wondered what Morrowind would look like on Skyrim’s updated game engine? Well, time to find out. Modder ‘eloth’ is working on a very promising mod for Skyrim that will bring Bethesda’s old Elder Scrolls game, Morrowind, to it. The modder has been hard at work converting the game’s assets, such as exterior lamps/lights, banners, signs (all of them are animated), as well as exterior animated activators(lava sparks, geysirs, chimney smoke, etc. Although the modder has not revealed any ETA yet, he has released some screenshots and 32 of them can be viewed below. Make sure to view them because eloth has put a lot of effort on this project. And believe us when we say this – Skywind is perhaps the most promising mod for Skyrim. Enjoy! Continue reading The most promising Skyrim mod ever; Morrowind is coming to Skyrim’s game engine with Skywind→
Our weekly Skyrim gallery is dedicated to Skyrimnexus member ‘DEZZZ.’ DEZZZ has created some of the best Skyrim concept arts we’ve ever seen, and we are pretty sure that a next-generation Elder Scrolls game could look similar to these following images. That’s a stretch – to be honest – but imagine when we have games looking this good. Let’s not forget that Skyrim can look gorgeous with some custom ENBSeries mods, so – being optimistic here – there is a high chance to get this kind of visuals in our games sooner than expected. Enjoy! Continue reading Fan-Made Skyrim Concept Arts Showcase What A Next-Generation Elder Scrolls Game Could Look Like→
Modder ‘Bronze316’ has released his ENBSeries mod for Bethesda’s RPG, Skyrim. The aim of this mod is to combine fantasy, realism, immersion, and cinematics in a very elegant way. Seasons of Skyrim ENB is compatible with practically all of Skyrim’s mods that do not interfere with the ENB Series binary files, and works fine with Realistic Lighting with Customization, Dynavision, Imaginator, and other mods. Below you can find some screenshots, a video, as well as its download link. Continue reading Skyrim Mod Spotlight – Seasons of Skyrim ENB Is A Gorgeous ENBSeries Mod→
Reddit’s member ‘dudelsac’ has shared some lovely images from Prachov Rocks, the most popular sandstone rock town in the Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic. What’s really amazing here is the fact that these – real life – images can come really close to Skyrim’s environments. In fact, it’s really hard to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Therefore, we decided to include one Skyrim shot among dudelsac’s images. Can you find it? Enjoy and imagine what a next-generation Elder Scrolls game could look like! Continue reading This is what Skyrim looks like in real life→