MindsEye feature

Cinematic trailer for the narrative-driven, single-player action-adventure thriller, MindsEye

IO Interactive Partners and Build A Rocket Boy have released a cinematic trailer for MindsEye. MindsEye is a narrative-driven, single-player action-adventure thriller that will come out this Summer.

In this game, you play as Jacob Diaz. Jacob is a former soldier with a mysterious neural implant who is suffering from memory loss and flashbacks.

Players will take part in dangerous covert missions to unlock the secrets of their past in a world filled with the persistent threat of artificial intelligence, high-tech experimentation, corporate espionage, political corruption, and an unchecked military.

MindsEye promises to have a complex narrative, rich environments, groundbreaking combat, future tech, and high speed chases.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

MindsEye - Reveal Story Trailer | PS5 Games

MindsEye - Official Gameplay Trailer | 2025