Dark Souls general feature

Dark Souls 2 will soon support DLAA/DLSS via a mod

Modder ‘Ganaboy’, creator of the DS2LightingEngine Mod for Dark Souls 2, is currently working on implementing support for both DLAA and DLSS. This will allow all RTX owners to replace the game’s TAA with DLAA and DLSS, something that will bring better performance and image quality.

To showcase the improvements that DLAA can bring to the table, Ganaboy shared the following video. In this video, we can see DLAA resolving the shimmering issues that were present in the terrain when using the game’s default TAA.

For those unaware, DS2LightingEngine is one of the best graphical mods for Dark Souls 2. This mod enables modern-effects like Volumetric Fog, High Quality Ambient Occlusion using GTAO and Adaptive Tessellation.

Not only that, but it allows many light sources to cast shadows. Players can also enjoy a new Distant Geometry system, as well as improved material rendering for metals/non-metals. The mod also allows placing new meshes and texture overriding and has an improved postprocessor.

There is currently no ETA on when this new mod for DS2LightingEngine will come out. Naturally, though, we’ll be sure to keep you posted. And, until it comes out, you can download the previous version of this graphics overhaul mod.

Speaking of Dark Souls 2, you may also be interested in these other mods for it. The First Sin InfiniDetail is a mod that aims to eliminate texture LOD pop-in. It will also greatly increase the game’s draw distance. Then we have the Scholar of the Second Sin Visual Overhaul Mod. This mod is based on the DS2LightingEngine Mod. As such, you should only use one of them. Its creator has also shared an HD Texture Pack that upscales all of the game’s textures. Finally, if you are still playing the first/vanilla version of DS2 (and not its Scholar of the First Sin version), you can use this mod to overhaul its graphics.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!