Unknown 9 Awakening feature

Here 8 minutes of gameplay from Unknown 9: Awakening

Bandai Namco has released a video, showcasing 8 minutes of gameplay from Unknown 9: Awakening. Developed by Reflector Entertainment, Unknown 9: Awakening is a third-person action-adventure game.

In this game, you’ll assume the role of Haroona. Haroona is a Quaestor born with the ability to venture into a mysterious dimension that overlaps our own, known only as the Fold. On her quest for powerful hidden knowledge, Haroona will learn to master her unique connection to the Fold, which allows her to channel its powers into our world.

Players will leverage Haroona’s mastery of the Fold and choose their own playstyle. For instance, they’ll be able to step into their enemies to control them. They’ll also be able to dodge bullets, vanish in plain sight, hurl Umbric energy at their opponents, and more.

Bandai Namco was originally planning to release this game in Summer 2024. However, it appears that it has delayed it until Fall 2024.

To be honest, I’m not that impressed by this gameplay video. Unknown 9: Awakening looks really rough, with an average enemy AI and unpolished combat animations. Reflector Entertainment is a small team, so we should be realistic here. This team will never compete with other triple-A studios like Ubisoft or Naughty Dog. So, we shouldn’t be criticizing them as heavily. However, this gameplay video did not impress me at all. In fact, it got me bored. So, that’s not a good sign.

The game’s price is also a huge topic. Right now, it doesn’t have any. So, if this is a $30 game, then most PC gamers will be able to cut it some slack. However, if this is a $50+ game, then I’m sorry but it will need a lot of work and polish to get me excited.

Anyway, I don’t know. Perhaps it’s just me. Watch it and tell me your thoughts!

Unknown 9: Awakening – Gameplay Walkthrough with Dev Commentary